
  • 网络stuck in the middle;sandwiched;in the middle
  1. 身为英国超市业巨擘的乐购、及其传统竞争对手阿斯达(Asda)和Morrisons都承受着压力,显然被夹在中间。

    Tesco , the market leader , along with traditional rivals Asda and Morrisons are under pressure , apparently stuck in the middle .

  2. 他最常被引用的一个结论是,企业需要避免夹在中间。

    One of his most cited conclusions was the need to avoid being stuck in the middle .

  3. 而夹在中间的是:上周末在罗马的瓦伦蒂诺(valentino)45周年庆典。

    And sandwiched in the middle : a 45th Anniversary tribute to Valentino last weekend in Rome .

  4. 事实上,美元正处于一场拉锯战之中,一面是qe3,一面是市场对全球经济增长前景的担忧,结果美元夹在中间,摇摆不定。

    In fact , the dollar is now caught in a tug of war between qe3 on the one hand and fears over global growth on the other , leaving it in limbo .

  5. 我在公共汽车上,一边一个胖子把我夹在中间不能动。

    I sandwiched myself between two fat men on the bus .

  6. 被夹在中间一定会有不少问题。

    There are a number of problems with being in the middle .

  7. 这样被夹在中间便是人类天性的本质;

    Being so sandwiched is the very essence of humanity ;

  8. 两个窃贼把奥立弗夹在中间走了出去。

    The two robbers issued forth with Oliver between them .

  9. 这个小孩被他的父母夹在中间。

    The little baby was sandwiched between his parents .

  10. 他们把这个倒霉的孩子夹在中间往家走。

    They led the fated lad home between them .

  11. 他回来时,我不会夹在中间的。

    When he comes back , I won 't get in the way .

  12. 我们的汽车被两辆卡车夹在中间。

    Our car was sandwiched in between two trucks .

  13. 一些夹在中间的高级管理层令人很失望。

    Some in-between senior management are a disappointment .

  14. 夹在中间排名第四的是挪威的奥斯陆。

    Sandwiched between them was Oslo in Norway .

  15. 夹在中间的这个障碍。

    Caught in the middle of this dysfunction .

  16. 那些被瑞典人和中国人夹在中间的公司日子会不好过。

    Life will get no easier for those squeezed between the Swedes and the Chinese .

  17. 对称金属包覆波导结构由上下金属包覆层和夹在中间的导波层组成。

    This kind of waveguide consists of two metal films and a guiding layer in between .

  18. 在某些地方,两个不渗透岩石层,把一个渗透岩石层夹在中间。

    In some places , a layer of porous rock is sandwiched between two layers of non-porous rock .

  19. 夹在中间的是大议会、40人议会和元老院、以及总督议会。

    In between were the Great Council , the Forty and the Senate , and the Ducal Council .

  20. 但有些公司则是夹在中间,两种类型都沾了一点边。

    But some firms are stuck in the middle , offering a bit of both , he said .

  21. 与此形成反差的是,中国一方面被疑心重重的邻国夹在中间,另一方面严重依赖进口资源。

    By contrast , China is at once hemmed in by suspicious neighbours and heavily dependent on imported resources .

  22. 他最常被引用的一个结论是,企业需要避免“夹在中间”。

    One of his most cited conclusions was the need to avoid being " stuck in the middle . "

  23. 每次老婆和老妈之间吵嘴,我都被夹在中间受气。

    Every time when my wife and my mom have an argument , I 'm the monkey in the middle .

  24. 当南北两叶因为吸入磁能而膨胀时,夹在中间的电浆片就开始变薄。

    As the lobes swell with the added magnetic energy , the plasma sheet that lies between them begins to thin .

  25. 多数洪都拉斯民众都被夹在中间,在戒严令式的环境中生活,军人在街道上巡逻。

    Most Hondurans are caught in the middle , living under martial law conditions with nightly curfews and soldiers on the streets .

  26. 一面是怀恋熟悉的事物,另一面是渴望异域和陌生的冲动,我们还夹在中间受其折磨。

    The emotion is Janus-faced : we are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange .

  27. 左右逢源:被两个壮汉夹在中间,他们的肚子像西瓜一样圆。

    Have everything from all side : BE clipped betwixt by two strong man , their belly be like the watermelon similar circle .

  28. 很少有家庭关系比婆婆、媳妇以及被夹在中间的男人之间的关系更令人头疼了。

    Few family relationships are more fraught than the ones between a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law , and the man caught between them .

  29. 妻子和母亲之间的紧张关系还有他夹在中间的左右为难已经对三人间的关系产生了负面影响。

    The strain between his wife and his mother and his position , stuck in the middle was taking a toll on all three relationships .

  30. 在他过去五次发表国情咨文时,乔治•布什看上去像是被两位大腹便便的白人先生[2]夹在中间,他们就坐在布什身后的讲台上。

    FOR his past five state-of-the-union addresses , George Bush has been framed by two overweight white men , sitting behind him on the podium .