
  • 网络side;included side
  1. 论《夹边沟》系列小说中的复杂人性这个两边的夹角是多大?

    On the Complex Human Nature in the Series " Jiabiangou "; How big is the angle contained by these 2 sides ?

  2. 在夹边沟被关闭之后,一位医生被派到劳改营,花了六个月的时间为每一名囚犯编造病历。

    After it was shuttered , a doctor who was assigned to the camp spent six months fabricating the medical records of every inmate .

  3. 翻转纸张印底面时有两个方式;常用的是沿着长边翻转,印底面时用同一长边作夹牙边。印后,在长边当中切开。

    The most common way is to turn the sheet on its long dimension , feeding the same edge to the grippers , after backing-up , the sheet is cut in half at its long dimension .

  4. 横转式:常用的装版方式.印一面之后,把纸沿着长边反转,用同一夹牙边和同一印版施印。

    Work-and-turn : A common scheme of imposition . After printing the first side , turn the sheet on its ling dimension , and then printing the reverse side using the same plate and the same gripper edge .

  5. 他把台灯夹到桌子的边上。

    He clamped the reading lamp onto the edge of the table .