
  • a jacket
  1. 在夹克衫里面围一条开司米围巾会使你更有魅力。

    Add a cashmere scarf under your jacket for a touch of glamour .

  2. 我要那件灰色夹克衫。

    I 'll take the grey jacket .

  3. 这件夹克衫的肘部磨破了。

    The jacket was worn at the elbows .

  4. 他的一件夹克衫挂在衣钩上。

    One of his jackets hung from a hook .

  5. 他在夹克衫的左袖上戴了一条黑箍儿。

    He wore a black band on the left sleeve of his jacket .

  6. 我把夹克衫翻了个面。

    I turned my jacket inside out

  7. 几名顾客走进来买了同样的夹克衫。

    Several customers came in and bought the same jackets .

  8. 他新买的粗羊毛夹克衫不保暖。

    His new jacket of coarse wool failed to keep him warm .

  9. 这条裤子和我的夹克衫不太配得上。

    These trousers are not an exact match for my jacket .

  10. 这件夹克衫是棉的还是毛的?

    Is this jacket cotton or woollen ?

  11. 要是我送给你的旧夹克衫不合身,就把它扔掉吧。

    If the old jacket I gave you doesn 't fit , just chuck it away .

  12. 这位《怪奇物语》的演员,把印有Logo的黑色T-恤塞进了黑色的牛仔裤,还配了一件黑色的夹克衫。

    The Stranger Things star tucked her black UNICEF tee into matching black jeans and also donned a black jacket .

  13. 舞蹈组合Diversity电视选秀节目《英国达人》的获胜者向杰克逊致敬;粉丝们穿戴着杰克逊风格的男式软呢帽、手套和夹克衫。

    The dance troupe Diversity winner of the television competition " Britain ` s Got Talent " performed a tribute ; and fans wore Jackson-inspired fedoras , gloves and jackets .

  14. BBC的记者MatthewPrice表示,就连时髦的纽约人也穿上了臃肿的夹克衫,包括男士在内的所有人都戴上了防寒耳罩。

    According to BBC reporter Matthew Price , even style-conscious New Yorkers pull on puff jackets and everyone , including the men , don ear-muffs .

  15. 他在定制款夹克衫上运用了朋克风格的背带(punkharnessing)以及小巧优雅的设计理念,显得时尚味十足。

    It had a fashion attitude in its use of punk harnessing , and neat ideas in its tailored blousons .

  16. 迈克尔杰克逊拍摄《颤栗》MV时所穿的一件夹克衫近日拍出了150万美元(合94万英镑)的高价。

    The jacket worn by Michael Jackson in his " Thriller " music video sold at auction for $ 1.5 million (£ 940,000 ) .

  17. 在购物过程中,她们对超短裤和阿迪达斯(Adidas)一款金色金属片装饰的夹克衫表现出了特殊的兴趣。

    During the shopping trip , the women showed special interest in short shorts and an Adidas jacket with gold lame trim .

  18. Luke的消遣丰富多样。当他不得不站着的时候,他总是故意不扣夹克衫的纽扣,小心地调整姿势使夹克衫的下边碰到坐着的乘客的脸或眼睛。

    When he has to travel standing up , he always keeps his jacket unbuttoned , carefully adjusting his posture so that the lower edge of his jacket hits the face or the eyes of those sitting down .

  19. 纽约时装设计师johnvarvatos已经想出了如何利用新西兰羔羊皮,并在油脂混合液中进行预洗,使得他设计的夹克衫和大衣外表看起来非常坚硬,但手感却如丝般柔软。

    New York-based John Varvatos has figured out how to take New Zealand lambskin and pre-wash it in an oil mix so his blousons and crombies look Street tough but have a silky soft touch .

  20. 那时候我是个害羞的小孩,不敢开口要一件象Micheal在“Thriller”的录像中所穿的那件红白且可以脱下的夹克衫,但我当时想,它一定很棒!

    I was too shy of a kid to get one of the red-and-black stripped jackets like the one he wore in the " Thriller " video , but I thought it was cool .

  21. 因其白衬衫而著名的法国设计师安妮·芳婷(AnneFontaine)曾告诉《福布斯》杂志:“除了漂亮衬衫,每个女人还应拥有超棒牛仔裤、黑色长裤、漂亮裙子、完美黑色小礼服和四季皆宜的夹克衫。”

    French designer Anne Fontaine , known for her white shirts , once told Forbes magazine that " besides a beautiful blouse , every woman should have a great pair of jeans , black pants , a perfect skirt , a perfect little black dress and a jacket for each season . "

  22. 他立即给Scottevest的员工发了邮件,以了解是否还来得及叫停Tropiformer夹克衫的生产,并将便捷手机口袋每边增加半英寸的灵活空间。可惜为时已晚。

    He immediately emailed Scottevest employees to see if it was too late to halt production of the Tropiformer jacket , and add a half inch of wiggle room on each side of the quick-use cellphone pocket . He missed the deadline .

  23. 我还有一件夹克衫和一条牛仔裤。

    I also have a jacket and a pair of jeans .

  24. 针叶上裹着冰晶,像穿着洁净的夹克衫。

    Ice encased each of the needles in a clear jacket .

  25. 这些夹克衫是以尺寸小号、中号和大号售出的。

    They were sold in sizes small , medium and large .

  26. 他在三周前卖掉了他的新夹克衫。

    He sold his new clamp gram garment before three weeks .

  27. 简评论道。今天你看见她穿的夹克衫了吗?

    Did you see her wearing that elegant diaphanous jacket today ?

  28. -在他夹克衫里面-他自己带了弹药

    Inside his jacket . - He brought his own ammo .

  29. 我热&我想我要脱下我的夹克衫。

    I 'm hot-i think I 'll take my jacket off .

  30. 一件好衬衫的昂贵程度并不比一件夹克衫差。

    A good shirt is no less expensive than a jacket .