
xiào lín
  • Xiaolin;collection of popular jokes
笑林 [xiào lín]
  • [book of jokes] 可笑之事的总聚集

  1. 关于“笑林”体小说的独立地位及审美特征的探讨。

    On study of independent status and aesthetical feature of " Xiaolin " style .

  2. 《笑林》之后,历史上又出现了《陆云笑林》、《世说新语·俳调》、侯白《启颜录》、朱揆《谐嚎录》等专以笑话为题材的专著。

    After " Joke Book ", in the history presented " Lu Yun Xiao Lin ", " Shi Shuo Xin Yu ", Hou Bai " Qi Yan Lu ", Zhu Kui " Xie Hao Lu " and so on specially take the joke as the theme monograph .

  3. 明清时期流行的笑话汇编《笑林广记》收录的法律笑话,在一定程度上反映出民间社会的法律意识:首先,契约与诉讼构成了庶民法律意识的核心内容;

    The jokes concerning legal issues which are embodied in The Edition of Jokes prevailing during the period of Ming and Qing Dynasties reflect the legal consciousness in the folk society to some degree . Firstly , contract and litigation makes the core of the legal consciousness of the plebs .