
  1. 在第二代核电站燃料元件~(235)U丰度无损检查仪中,用微机多道代替了硬件多道,由能谱分析板和计算机多道仿真软件(PHA软件)组成能谱测量系统;

    The hardware multichannel is replaced by a computer multichannel analyzer in the second generation of nondestructive testing device for determining 235U enrichment of fuel element in nuclear power plant . The spectrometric analyzer system consists of the spectrometric analysis board and the multichannel emulator software ( PHA ) .

  2. 批评人士表示,建设技术上成熟的第二代核电站,可能会对中国发展国内核电的计划起到更大帮助。

    Critics say China 's plans to beef up nuclear power generation at home would be better served by constructing familiar second-generation plants .