
miǎn yì liáo fǎ
  • immunotherapy
  1. 但免疫疗法目前仍处于实验阶段。

    For the time being , however , immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages

  2. 免疫疗法是获得诺贝尔奖的科学,现在是治疗癌症的一个关键支柱,与化学疗法、放射治疗和手术并列。

    Immunotherapy is Nobel prize-winning science that is now a key pillar of cancer treatment alongside chemotherapy , radiotherapy and surgery .

  3. AIDS疫苗与不孕症的免疫疗法

    AIDS Vaccines and Immunotherapy of Infertility

  4. 抗HBV特异性主动免疫疗法联合干扰素抗乙型肝炎病毒的临床研究

    Inhibitory effects of anti-HBV specific active immunity in combination with interferon administration on HBV replication

  5. 原因不明习惯性流产HLA免疫疗法的实验检测及临床观察

    Experimental detection and clinical observation of HLA immunotherapy for habitual abortion of unknown causes

  6. 定量检测HBVdna含量是评价特异性过继细胞免疫疗法疗效的重要指标之一。

    Detection of HBV DNA by a quantitative PCR assay was one of the important indexes for evaluating the effect of therpy .

  7. IL-2和LAK细胞过继免疫疗法在肾癌的应用

    IL-2 and LAK adoptive immunotherapy for renal cell carcinoma

  8. 冷冻联合免疫疗法治疗小鼠B16黑素瘤

    Combined cryotherapy and immunotherapy for mouse B16 melanoma

  9. 结论免疫疗法联合拉米夫定可以提高CHB患者HBeAg及HBVdna阴转率。

    Conclusion The combination of immunotherapy with lamivudine may raise the percentage of serum HBeAg and HBV DNA negative conversion in patients with CHB .

  10. 目的探讨抗HBV特异性主动免疫疗法(主动免疫)和干扰素(IFN)联合使用,观察其抗乙型肝炎病毒的效果。

    Inhibitory effects of anti-HBV specific active immunity in combination with interferon administration on HBV replication Objective To explore a new anti-virus therapy for HBV infection .

  11. 结论抗HBV特异性主动免疫疗法联合α-1b干扰素的应用,具有显著增加抗病毒效果,特别是停药后持续抗病毒及肝功能持续正常的疗效更为显著。

    Conclusions This method of anti-HBV specific active immunity in combination with interferon administration can significantly improve the anti-virus effects on HBV replication and prevent the rebound of HBV after drug withdrawal .

  12. TLRs激动剂在抗癌免疫疗法中可用作免疫调节剂或细胞毒素的药物。

    TLRs agonists are used as immunomodulators ( immunoadjuvants ) and cytotoxic drugs in cancer immunotherapy .

  13. 从生殖生物学研究特别是在习惯性流产的免疫疗法领域获得的认识,将有助于开发更好的治疗与预防HIV感染的策略。

    The insight gained in reproductive biology research , particularly in the area of immunotherapy of recurrent spontaneous abortions , can help to develop better strategies for the treatment and prevention of HIV infection .

  14. 本研究证明TIL比LAK细胞更适合应用于肿瘤的过继免疫疗法。

    These results indicate that TILs are more suitable to the adoptive immunotherapy of turn or as effector cells than LAK cells .

  15. 但如今,他的主治医生、纽约市纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心(MemorialSloanKetteringCancerCenter)的肿瘤学医师马修·D·霍尔曼博士(Dr.MatthewD.Hellmann)推荐了尚在实验中的免疫疗法。

    Instead , his oncologist , Dr. Matthew D. Hellmann of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City , recommended an experimental treatment : immunotherapy .

  16. 结论变应原疫菌(AV)雾化吸入治疗法目前是一种安全,有效,简便的特异性免疫疗法,更便于被患者接受。

    [ Conclusions ] AV efficacy atomization inhalation is a safe , valid and convenient specific immunotherapy treatment , and it is more acceptable for patients .

  17. 辉瑞已落在百时美施贵宝(BMS)和美国默克(Merck)等竞争对手后面,后两者已推出第一波免疫疗法药物——检查点抑制剂(checkpointinhibitor)。

    Pfizer has fallen behind rivals such as Bristol-Myers Squibb and US Merck , which have already launched the first wave of immunotherapies , known as checkpoint inhibitors .

  18. 结论TIL在细胞因子特别是IL2协同下瘤灶内注射的局部免疫疗法,具有较强的抗膀胱癌效应,并显著提高了机体全身抗瘤免疫功能。

    Conclusion Local immunotherapy using TIL in combination with different cytokines especially IL-2 can produce more significant anti-bladder carcinoma effects and enhance systemic antitumor immune responses .

  19. 在开发这种所谓癌症免疫疗法的公司中,默克集团(Merck&Co)、百时美施贵宝(Bristol-MyersSquibb)、罗氏(Roche)及阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)赫然在列。这种免疫疗法的原理,是利用机体的免疫力对抗癌细胞。

    Merck & Co , Bristol-Myers Squibb , Roche and AstraZeneca are among those developing so-called cancer immunotherapies that harness the body 's immune system to fight tumours .

  20. 目的:研究自体肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞合并重组白细胞介素-2(TIL/rIL-2)过继免疫疗法对癌性胸腔积液的临床疗效。

    Objective : To study the clinical effects on malignant pleural effusion with self tumor infiltrating lymphocytes combined with recombinant interleukin - 2 ( TIL / rIL - 2 ) .

  21. 结论通过本实验说明过继免疫疗法与HCPT序贯应用才能起到抗癌作用,其可能机理是序贯疗法充分发挥HCPT化疗作用又不影响TIL的杀伤活性,并且有促进TIL聚积于肿瘤周围的效果。

    But sequential combination of AIT and HCPT showed significant anti tumor effects . Conclusion We conclude that the rational use of TIL in combination with chemotherapy has significant anti tumor effects .

  22. NDVATV主动特异性免疫疗法能改变肿瘤患者TH2占优势的局面,使TH2向TH1扭转,这可能是NDVATV免疫治疗的机理之一。

    The active specific immune therapy with NDV ATV can turn the predominance of T H2 to that of T H1 , which might be one of the infectors related to the efficiency of NDV ATV in clinical research .

  23. 辉瑞(Pfizer)计划明年在人体上测试综合使用三种新型抗癌药的疗效。这家美国药企正寻求在研发新一代“免疫疗法”药物的竞赛中收复失地,这类药物能把人体变成对抗肿瘤的武器。

    Pfizer plans to test a combination of three novel cancer drugs in humans next year , as the US drugmaker seeks to make up lost ground in the race to develop a new generation of " immunotherapy " medicines that turn the body into a weapon against tumours .

  24. 结果:斑秃治愈率为33.3%,扁平疣为35%,寻常疣及跖疣分别达56%及66%,传染性软疣为41.8%。DNCB免疫疗法对某些免疫有关疾病如化脓性疾患获得意想不到的疗效。

    Results : The cure rate of alopecia areata was 33.3 % , verruca plana 35 % , verruca vulgaris and verruca plantaris 56 % and 66 % , molluscum contagiosum 41.8 % and the effect to other immuno-related suppurative diseases was sometimes very excellent .

  25. 洛克说,免疫疗法「应该是第一线的治疗。

    Immunotherapy " should be a first-line therapy ," Lockey says .

  26. 口服螨免疫疗法辅助治疗儿童哮喘疗效观察

    Oral mite desensitization solution as supplementary therapy in treating children asthma

  27. 特异性免疫疗法治疗过敏性紫癜30例

    Treatment of 30 Cases of Allergic Purpura with Specific Immunotherapy

  28. 特异性免疫疗法治疗春季性结膜炎疗效观察

    Effects observation of special immunotherapy in treatment of vernal conjunctivitis

  29. 免疫疗法联合单磷酸阿糖腺苷治疗慢性乙肝观察研究

    Observation of Immunotherapy Combined with ARA-AMP for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B

  30. 中晚期肝细胞癌的化学免疫疗法

    The Treatment of Moderately Advanced Carcinoma with Chemo - Immunotherapy