
  • 网络Freedom from want
  1. 第三是免于匮乏的自由。

    The third is freedom from want .

  2. 1941年1月6日,美国总统弗兰克林D.罗斯福在他的国情咨文中概述了世界上的“四大自由”即:自由言论和表达意见的自由、以自己的方式崇拜上帝的自由、免于匮乏的自由以及免于恐惧的自由。

    On Jan. 6 , 1941 , President Franklin D. Roosevelt , in his State of the Union address , outlined a goal of " Four Freedoms " for the world : freedom of speech and expression , the freedom of people to worship God in their own way , freedom from want and freedom from fear