
  • 网络good attitude
  1. 好心态是人们一生中的好伴侣,让人愉悦和健康。

    A good attitude is the best partner of us , making us happy and healthy .

  2. 这个世界有两件事我们不能不做:一是赶路,二是停下来看看自己是否拥有一份好心态。

    There are two things that we have no choice but to do them in our life & moving forwanrd and stopping to see if we have a good attitude .

  3. 别让他人的不良心态毁了你的好心态。

    Do not let anyone else 's negatives destroy your positives .

  4. 我们必须好心态来延长婚姻中的美好面。

    We must adjust our mood to keep and prolong our happy marriage .

  5. 最后,我将调整好心态,让自己变得更自信更加乐于助人。

    Finally , I will learn to adjust , to be more positive and more helpful .

  6. 关键是看给不给好心态,机会去不好的现状。

    The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation .

  7. 每次当我看到别人养狗心生妒忌时,我也能很快调整好心态,然后回家接着伺候我那只整天睡觉、无精打采的肥猫。

    I can get my fix whenever the pang of envy occurs , then return home to my sleeping , boring , fat cat .

  8. 无论你是内向还是外向的人,下面十条建议能帮你在假期调整好心态,头脑清晰保持高效率。

    Below are ten tips to keep yourself balanced , sane and productive over the holidays , with options for both extroverts and introverts alike .

  9. 在巴西,如果你没有坚强的性格和一个好心态,在这个年龄还想当队长?

    You do not captain teams in Brazil at such a level at that age if you are not a strong character with a good mentality .

  10. 你只要保持好的心态。

    You just have to keep a good attitude .

  11. 马克:这听起来像一个好的心态。

    Mark : That sounds like a good mindset .

  12. 转危为安往往需要高超的心智,也需要好的心态。

    Turning the Tide often superb mind , but also need a good mentality .

  13. 一个好的心态加一本成功的教材再加一个无限的舞台等于成功。

    Success needs a good attitude , an excellent teaching material and a boundless angle .

  14. 你现最主要的是保持好的心态和良好的饮食生活习惯。

    You are the most important is to maintain a good mentality and good eating habits .

  15. 经过这些之后,保持一种好的心态很重要。

    In my mind , I must have to stay in singapore to finding the job .

  16. 注意了身体锻炼,调整,控制,保持快乐,比较好的心态。

    Note that the physical exercise , adjustment , control , maintain a happy , good attitude .

  17. 这并不容易,但你必须接受这个事实。通常情况下,我可以以很好的心态看待它。

    It 's not easy but it is something you have to accept and I am normally quite good at dealing with it .

  18. 在多数情况下,赌博是针对无聊和冷漠的一剂无害的药方,它能让人在黯淡乏味的环境下仍能保持好的心态,耐心和乐观的情绪。

    Gambling is in most cases a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy and may well preserve good temper , patience and optimism in dreary circumstances .

  19. 大学生应该调整好就业心态,降低自己的就业期望,实行先“就业”再“择业”就业思维。

    Students should adjust the mentality of a good employment and reduce their employment expectations , we should be employed first , and then find another good job .

  20. 为什么这么说呢,特别是做销售的人员,如果没有一个很好的心态去面对这份工作,会让人心里失去平衡。

    Why do you say so , especially in sales personnel , if not a good attitude towards this job , can let a person heart loses his balance .

  21. 人生苦短,别为物质愁。吃亏就是占便宜,好的心态就不会有什么事可以难倒我们。

    Life is too short , don 't worry about material kind of thing , nothing can be the obstacle to us with great attitude for it may turn out as the blessing in disguise .

  22. 毕竟生命只有一次,所以我们要调节好自己的心态,用最好的心态面对人生,用乐观面对人生,要笑淡人生。

    After all , only one life , so we have to adjust up their mind , with the best attitude to face life with an optimistic outlook on life , to laugh light of life .

  23. 此外,导师也在治疗的过程中,注重饮食搭配,配合精神调养及日常防护,从而达到增强患者的体质,调整好患者的心态,最终取得事半功倍的奇效。

    In addition , the instructors are in the process of treatment , with emphasis on diet , with the spirit nursed back to health and daily protection , so as to achieve increased patient physical , adjust the attitude of patients and ultimately result in a very strange effect .

  24. 他还补充道,若自己不能很好地控制调整心态,你需要寻求专业的心理辅导。

    If you ` re unable to control or make adjustments , you should seek professional psychiatric help , he added .

  25. 滋生耻辱感的是一种“我不够好.“的心态--我们都知道这是个什么滋味:“我不够什么。

    What underpinned this shame , this " I 'm not good enough , " -- which , we all know that feeling : " I 'm not blank enough .

  26. 当我看到他有好的状态,好的心态,那么他就可以成为名单中的一员,但他必须要证明这一点!

    When I see that he is in good shape and has a good attitude then he can form part of the team , but he has to show it .