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  • 网络Good song
  1. 的确是首好歌

    This is actually a really good song . All right .

  2. 这大致可以解释为什么在记忆中,一手好歌胜过所有的说教。

    Probably that is why a good song can outlive all sermons .

  3. 这是一首好歌。是这么唱的,呃…

    Great song , you know.It goes uhh , it 's like

  4. 她唱不好歌,她全家人都是这样。

    She sings badly , so does everyone in her family .

  5. 好歌匮乏是不争的事实。

    An undeniable fact is we are indeed lacking good songs .

  6. 你不唱它的时候它是首好歌

    It is a beautiful song when you 're not singing it

  7. 这是首好歌,它一定会很快流行起来的。

    This is a nice song , it will catch on quickly .

  8. 你不唱它的时候,它是首好歌。

    It is a beautiful song when you 're not singing it .

  9. 这个唱片的背面另有一支好歌。

    There 's another good song on the back of this record .

  10. 什么是首好歌收音机广播。

    What a nice song the radio is broadcasting !

  11. 但是当前儿歌的现状令人忧虑:缺少好歌新歌、缺乏新一代专业儿童歌曲创作者、传播途径少、传统教育观念影响很深。

    But , the current situation of children 's songs is worrying everybody .

  12. 我说那算不上是首好歌。

    I don 't call that a good song .

  13. 下面为你们带来另一首好歌。

    Here 's another pretty song coming at you .

  14. 所以她要练好歌,建立自信。

    So she worked on her singing , and built up her confidence .

  15. 这是一首英语入门的好歌。

    This is a lovely introduction to English .

  16. 亦有林子祥好歌新唱!

    Also includes new songs of George himself !

  17. 这是一首好歌,我相信他很快就会流行起来了。

    It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly .

  18. 就音乐而言,这是一首好歌,但是我不喜欢这歌词。

    Musically it 's a good song , but I don 't like the words .

  19. 12首好歌在等着你。

    Twelve great songs coming your way .

  20. 担心的时候可写不出好歌来,对吗?

    Can 't be worried and write a song at the same time , right ?

  21. 故意让我嫉妒你激发了我写好歌的灵感

    By making me jealous on purpose you inspire me to write the best songs ,

  22. 对是首好歌我想你很熟悉

    Yes , it 's a wonderful song . I think you 're familiar with it .

  23. 我以为是在做好事,治好歌薇的父亲能帮助她。

    I thought I was doing good and that curing Gwen 's father would help her .

  24. 歌唱中喉头的稳定和喉咙的打开是唱好歌的前提条件。

    The stability of the larynx and opening of the throat are the premise condition of singing .

  25. 是啊,是。这是一首好歌。是这样的。确实是这样的。

    Yep , yeah . It 's a good song.It is . It 's a good song .

  26. 从默默无闻到星光璀璨,音乐人需要的仅仅是一首好歌。

    All it takes is one good song to bring an * obscure musician into the spotlight .

  27. 我不觉得俗套我觉得这像首好歌

    I don 't think that 's cheesy . I think that sounds like a phenomenal song . Does it ?

  28. 我最爱的方式之一就是听音乐,所以这里介绍的都是些适合帮助你渡过难关的好歌噢。

    One of my favorites is listening to music , so here are some of the best songs for getting over the hump !

  29. 听首好歌扭一扭音乐是灵魂的能量来源,同样也能使你动力十足假如选对了歌的话。

    Music is known as food for the soul , but it can also be a great motivator if you listen to the right choice of songs .

  30. 但我保证这是一张好唱片,有好歌(目前为止)和努力的工作团队。再次和你们见面将会是很有趣的事。

    But I promise a good album , good songs ( so far ) and hard work from my team of colleagues . It 'll be fun to see you all again .