
  • 网络good product;quality products
  1. 据NPR新闻的斯科特·霍斯利报道,总统坚称除去这些问题,在线网站参保是个好产品。

    NPR 's Scott Horsley reports , the president insists that despite these problems , the health coverage offered through these markets is still a good product .

  2. 任一个TPM节目的目标是消灭损失被栓对设备维修或,换句话说,保留设备一样快速地生产唯一好产品,尽可能没有无计划的停工期。

    The goal of any TPM program is to eliminate losses tied to equipment maintenance or , in other words , keep equipment producing only good product , as fast as possible with no unplanned downtime .

  3. 安装好产品之后,设置首选参数也非常简单。使用Windows

    After you install the product , it is easy to set the preferences for it using the menu selection under Windows

  4. 而现在我们可以在电脑上设计好产品的各种参数,再用3d打印机“打印”出来,此过程通过喷涂一层层连续的材料逐渐塑造出固态的目标模型。

    Now a product can be designed on a computer and " printed " on a 3D printer , which creates a solid object by building up successive layers of material .

  5. “华升”T5节能荧光灯就是推出“符合国策、节能降耗”应运而生的好产品。

    The T5 fluorescent lamps is the best product which abided by the reducing energy consumption policy of our country .

  6. Foxmarks是一款设计巧妙的好产品,用户通过它可以在多台电脑、多种浏览器间有条不紊地享受网络生活。

    Foxmarks is a clever , well-done product that can help users of multiple computers and multiple browsers to keep their Web lives in order .

  7. 我一向关注的是拥有一个好产品。

    I 've always been concerned about having a good product .

  8. 他们是质量非常好产品,批量生产。

    They are very good quality products for mass production .

  9. 但并不是白醋,那不是一种好产品。

    But not white vinegar , that is not a food product .

  10. 这是随手必备的好产品!

    This is a great product to keep on hand !

  11. 我们的录音机、立体声音响和电视机都是好产品。

    Our video recorders , stereos , and TVs are all quality products .

  12. 在电视上能看到某些好产品。

    Some good production can be seen on television .

  13. 好产品,有目共睹!

    A good product , for all to see !

  14. 相反,我们专注于组建团队和推出好产品。

    Instead , we focused on getting a team together and a good product .

  15. 好产品包装帮您说话;

    Good packaging products to help you speak ;

  16. 好产品不等于好商品

    Good Product no Means Good Commodity

  17. 我们得产品物美价廉,是广大群众家庭装饰得好产品。

    It is suit for the broad masses of peoplea to used as good family decorated products .

  18. 因此,它是一种实用、经济的好产品。

    Thus , the portable and mobile solar warning device is a practical , economical and good product .

  19. 参观目标工厂时,无论是对好产品的拒收还是对不良产品的接受都观察到了。

    Both rejections of good parts and acceptance of bad parts were observed while visiting Target 's factories .

  20. 确保平衡好产品和客户在公司要求的质量,价钱和效益的协调。

    Ensuring that products meet customer and company requirements with regard to quality , cost , and efficiency ;

  21. 想要设计和开发出好产品,必备的条件有哪三个?

    It 's all the team is only gonna be is as good as what the product owner produces .

  22. 如何在这些电缆的制造过程中控制好产品质量,保证传输性能,已变得越来越重要。

    It is very important to control the quality of cables during the manufacturing process so that good transmission performance can be ensured .

  23. 因此,只要把握住市场,调整好产品结构,提高产品质量,其发展前景将极为广阔。

    Based on the demand of furniture market , regulating product mix , raising product quality , furniture market foreground will be vast .

  24. “中国制造2025”计划有望给国家在制造好产品和形成优质品牌上带来优势。

    The " Made in China 2025 " plan hopes to give the country an edge in making good products and quality brands .

  25. 如果你能生产一种好产品并保持低产量,那么你永远不会在经济形势严峻的时期面临存货过剩的麻烦。

    If you make a great product and keep production low , you 'll never get stuck with big inventories when the economy turns tough .

  26. 市场需求发生了根本性的变革,消费愿望从拥有产品向拥有好产品演变。

    Market requirement has essential change that consumption desire transforms from " in possession of product " to " in possession of good product " .

  27. 买家都是不知道什么是好产品的小孩子和认为花个几百块美金买吉他就是他这辈子的一锤子买卖的老家伙们。

    The average young buyer doesn 't know any better and forks over a few hundo for what he thinks is the deal of a lifetime .

  28. 科技精确化的今天,好产品的创造离不开精密、先进的设备和优质的原材料。

    Today the science and technology is quite accurate , and good products can 't be created without advanced equipment and raw materials of fine quality .

  29. 这款手表是深受广大成功人士喜爱,更是企业、商家提高自身品牌形象,促销、馈赠的好产品、好载体。

    This watch is deeply loved , successful business enterprise , enhance the brand image , promotion , the legacy of a good products , good carrier .

  30. 至少提前数月确定休假时间,这样就能在客户服务规划中留出空挡,,同时相应规划好产品供应。

    Knowing your vacation times at least a few months in advance lets you build that lack of availability into your client proposals and plan your pipeline accordingly .