
  • 网络curiosity;curious mentality
  1. 认同受众的好奇心理,提升品牌形象;

    Identify with the curiosity psychology of the masses , promote visualize of brand ;

  2. 我国文化市场充斥暴力文化,暴力文化的刺激性迎合了青少年的好奇心理。

    The cultural market is filled with culture of violence as it caters to the teenagers ' curiosity .

  3. 对吸烟的好奇心理是导致学生发生吸烟行为的最主要因素(44.8%),对吸烟行为的错误态度是导致学生继续吸烟的主要原因。

    The main factor that caused students to smoke is curiosity ( 44.8 % ) . The wrong attitude was the major reason for them keeping smoking . Most adolescent smoked with others , but few were heaven smokers .

  4. 这东西既然存在,而事实本身又是不可否认的,那么,由于人类好奇的心理,

    Now then , it did exist , this was an undeniable fact ; and since the human mind dotes on objects of wonder ,

  5. 杂志完全掌握了读者好奇的心理,采取了港式尖酸却不刻薄,大胆而不卖帐的风格。

    The magazine has a masterly grasp of readers ' sense of curiosity and stands out with its Hong Kong-style sarcasm that is not too mean and its daring and never-Bow-to pressure stance .

  6. Cyberflaneur指那些没有特定的目标,只是出于好奇和探究心理在网络上闲逛的人,我们称为“网络闲逛族”。

    Cyberflaneur refers to a person who surfs the web with no purpose beyond curiosity and inquisitiveness .

  7. 药物滥用的主要原因是好奇和逆反心理。

    The main reason of their drug abuse was curiosity and contrary psychology .

  8. 时尚的传播总是以从众、暗示、好奇等社会心理为基础的。

    The spread of fashions is always based the social psychology of following the public , suggesting and curiosity .

  9. 受众心理主要表现为求知、好奇、求新等心理规律。

    The psychology of audience mainly manifests the psychological laws such as seeking knowledge , curiosity , creation and so on .