
  • 网络direct effect
  1. 关于抑制物对肿瘤生长直接效果模型的数学分析

    Analysis of a mathematical model of the direct effect of inhibitors on the growth of tumors

  2. 风险管理的直接效果对企业在市场中竞争力的影响至关重要。

    Risk management direct effect in the market competitive power of enterprise in the influence is very important .

  3. 尿素对土壤反应的直接效果表现为碱性反应。

    The immediate effect of urea on the soil reaction is alkaline .

  4. 史特沃氏及其它清楚地表明碳链长度对安全佐剂的直接效果。

    Stewarttull et al clearly show the direct impact of the length on the safety of adjuvants .

  5. 不过,这些氏族政策在实施过程中,并未取得理想的直接效果。

    But in the process of the implement , these clan policies did not achieve perfect direct effects .

  6. 这种探索的直接效果是文本的外在形态的快节奏、跳跃和不连贯。

    Its direct effect is the quick rhythm , quitness and coherence appeared in the face of the text .

  7. 即便是咖啡和茶对降低罹患脑胶质瘤风险有些直接效果,其影响也很小。

    And even if coffee and tea have some direct effect on glioma risk , the impact would be small .

  8. 插拔替换法是最古老最原始的一种方法,也是最有直接效果的一种方法。

    Plug replacement is the oldest one of the most primitive methods , and most have a direct effect of a method .

  9. 德育的直接效果是影响学生个体思想、道德心理等方面的发展。

    The direct effect of moral education is to impact students on the develop of individual ideology , morality , psychology and other aspects .

  10. 非法审讯的直接效果是获得犯罪嫌疑人对案件事实的承认,容易导致冤案的发生。

    The direct consequence of illegal interrogation is to obtain the confession of the case fact from the suspect , so it easily leads to injustice .

  11. 文章用方框图明确了输入信号、反馈信号等概念,分析了反馈极性的决定因素和直接效果,改进了传统的瞬时极性法。

    The paper definites input signal and feedback signal etc. conception using block diagram . Analyses decisive factor and direct effect of extreme nature for feedback .

  12. 合同解除的溯及力,主要有四种学说,分别是直接效果说,间接效果说,折衷说,以及清算关系说。

    There are four theories of retrospective effect of termination , that direct effect theory , indirect effect theory , compromise effect theory and clearing relationship theory .

  13. 关于合同解除后是否有溯及力这一问题,理论界一直有争议,主要存在三种学说,即直接效果说、间接效果说、折衷说。

    About which , the theorists have been controversial and there are three main theories , namely that the direct effect , indirect effect that the compromise said .

  14. “幻想是视觉眼睛糖果和事实,即它的直接效果作为获得,使它成为美丽的一块神奇的,我想这是很多”!

    The illusion is visual eye candy and the fact that it 's as direct as an effect gets , makes it a beautiful piece of magic . I like this a lot !

  15. 而外资除了有增加税收的直接效果外,还对市场结构产生影响,促进厂商调整行为等外溢效果。

    In addition to increasing taxes , which is a direct effect , foreign enterprises have impact on market structure and promote enterprises to adjust their behaviors , etc , which are spillover effects .

  16. 清算关系说,弥补了直接效果说逻辑上的缺陷,比间接效果说更能实现合同解除的价值和功能,比其折衷说更有确定性。

    This theory makes up the legal defect of direct effect theory and can realize the value and function of termination of contract more effectively than indirect effect theory and is more stable than the compromise effect theory .

  17. 但这些防治方法都有其应用局限性,临床直接效果有限。例如:氟化物的浓度难以长时间保持稳定,需反复涂擦,氟离子释放区域具有局限性等。

    But all these procedures have application limitations , clinical effects are limited , for example , fluoride is usually limited to the small area of enamel surface and the concentration is difficult to remain stable for a long time .

  18. 运用因子分析法对政策的实施效果进行了分析,得出政策实施的直接效果主要为合作社的经济效果,政策实施的间接效果主要为政策的溢出效应。

    This paper analyzes the implementation effect of the policy using factor analysis . The direct effect of policy implementation is mainly the economic effects of cooperatives , and the main indirect effect of policy implementation is the policy spillover effects .

  19. 消费者达成忠诚的过程,主要是经由消费过程的愉悦体验及附加社会认同提升的结果,可理解为消费者的精神体验对忠诚的达成更具直接效果。

    The process to reach loyal consumers , primarily through the consumption process and enjoyable experience and to enhance the results of additional social identity , understandable for consumers to experience the spirit of loyalty to the achievement of a more direct effect .

  20. 可见P17菌株等解磷微生物能够有效地溶解、转化磷矿粉中的难溶磷,用微生物学途径来提高磷矿粉直接施用效果是可行的。

    So strain P17 could solubilize and transform difficultly soluble phosphorus .

  21. 本文研究一个用于描述抑制物对肿瘤生长直接作用效果的数学模型,该模型是对Byrne和chaplain相应模型的一个改进。

    In this paper we study a mathematical model of the direct effect of inhibitors on the growth of tumors . The model improves a similar model proposed by H. Byrne and M. Chaplain .

  22. 直接产生效果:生效的原因。

    Acting directly to produce an effect : an efficient cause .

  23. 制作好之后直接使用效果最好。

    And it 's best to use it straight after making it .

  24. 设备更新的效果包含直接财务效果和非直接财务效果。

    The effect of equipment renew includes direct finance effect and indirect finance effect .

  25. 中国利用外商直接投资效果的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on China 's Performance of the Utilization of Foreign Direct Investment

  26. 涂铁砂的直接过滤效果及其再生方法研究

    Study on the Effect of Using Iron Oxide Coated Sand for Direct Filtration and Its Regeneration Method

  27. 结果表明,对单株粒重进行直接选择效果较好;

    The results showed that it was a better effect of seed weight from direct selection of single plant ;

  28. 第二,以病人为中心,提高直接护理效果;

    Second , the effects of direct nursing were enhanced with the patients put at the center of all work .

  29. 通过具体的产业关联分析后发现,该产业的直接关联效果很强,但是影响力与感应度的定量分析表明,该产业在本区域的产业波及效果不强,低于全国平均水平;

    After analyzing of industry linkage , we found that there was a poor indirect relation between electronics & communications industry and related industries .

  30. 这个机制使得它与造成直接伤害效果的毒药共同使用时威力巨大(比如致伤毒药或者速效毒药)。

    This mechanic makes very potent when used in combination with a Poison that deals direct damage ( Wound Poison and Instant Poison ) .