
yǐ jiù huàn xīn
  • Trade-in;part-exchange;old for new service
以旧换新[yǐ jiù huàn xīn]
  1. 理查德拒绝用他的旧佳能相机以旧换新。

    Richard refused to trade in his old Canon cameras .

  2. 买新电器时,电器经销商往往会拿走旧电器,有时会以旧换新。

    Electrical retailers will often take away old appliances if you buy a new one , sometimes in part-exchange .

  3. Dewalt推出了一个以旧换新计划,通过提供高达100美元的即时折扣来鼓励人们回收旧工具。

    By offering instant discounts worth as much as $ 100 , DeWalt launched a trade-in program to encourage people to bring back tools .

  4. 苹果公司的一名女发言人拒绝透露上周末的以旧换新活动收到的旧版iPhone数量。

    An Apple spokeswoman declined to provide the number of old iPhones that were traded in over the weekend .

  5. 但是,以旧换新的操作机制和理论支持研究的还比较缺乏(Rao,2009)。

    However , the operating mechanism and theoretical that support the research of Trade-ins policy relative insufficiency ( Rao , 2009 ) .

  6. 在去年的营收电话会议中,苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(TimothyD.Cook)表示,他非常喜欢以旧换新活动发挥的环保作用,并表示,旧版iPhone的转售价值较高,这对买卖双方来说是“双赢”。

    On an earnings call last year , Timothy D. Cook , Apple 's chief executive , said he liked the environmental aspect of the trade-in program , adding that the high resale value of older iPhones made it a " win-win " for buyers and sellers .

  7. 福特的探险者是人们用来以旧换新的最热门型号,其次是福特的F150小货车和克莱斯勒的大切诺基吉普。

    Ford 's Explorer was the most popular trade-in vehicle , followed by Ford 's F150 pickup and Chrysler 's Jeep Grand Cherokee .

  8. 苹果也与买卖二手电子产品的Brightstar合作,在其店内推出了以旧换新活动。

    Apple also offers a trade-in program at its stores , working with Brightstar , a company that buys and sells used electronics .

  9. 转售二手电子产品的游戏驿站(GameStop)、EcoATM和Gazelle的数据样本显示,苹果推出新版iPhone时,很多人会将旧设备卖掉,或以旧换新。

    A sampling of data from GameStop , EcoATM and Gazelle , companies that resell used electronics , shows that around the time a new iPhone makes its debut , plenty of people sell their old devices or trade them in to save money on their new iPhone .

  10. 家电以旧换新补贴政策的数理模型分析

    Analysis of the Electrical Household Appliances Trade-in Subsidies Policy Based on Mathematical Models

  11. 以旧换新到底应该怎么换,什么样的家电符合以旧换新标准呢?

    And how can one get a new appliance with his old ones ?

  12. 对杭州硒鼓市场以旧换新的营销模式研究,希望能使其规范发展有所帮助。

    TM to Hangzhou cartridge market research marketing model , hoping to help them develop normally .

  13. 福建汽车以旧换新方案出台。

    Fujian launches auto replacement plan .

  14. 本店有以旧换新服务。

    We offer old-for-new service .

  15. 无回收市场下以旧换新策略对回收中心选址的影响

    Effect of Strategy of Using Used Ones for New One on Recycle Center Location without Recycling Market

  16. 苹果在第三季度电话会议上曾被问到有关以旧换新计划的问题。

    Back during Apple 's third-quarter conference call , the company was asked about its trade-in program .

  17. 而且,通过旧游戏的以旧换新服务,顾客还可以得到信用点,换购新游戏。

    And through its trade-in program for used games , customers can get credits toward the purchase of new games .

  18. 我妈妈七十岁了,她想把她的车以旧换新。

    My mom is70 years old , and she wants to trade in her old car for a new one .

  19. 省“家电以旧换新启动仪式”举行,副省长甘霖发表讲话。

    Vice Governor of Hunan Province Gan Lin delivered a speech at the launching ceremony of the home appliances replacement program .

  20. 本研究试图为以旧换新行为寻找另外一个研究突破口,为进一步的研究做出理论贡献。

    This study attempts to look for another breakthrough and makes a theoretical contribution to the further study for the trade-ins behavior .

  21. 起初,三星允许消费者以旧换新,称问题已得到解决。

    Samsung had initially said that the problem was solved , after allowing consumers to trade in their phones for new ones .

  22. 对于消费者来说,以旧换新过程中主要涉及到旧产品的折价和新产品的估价两个问题。

    For consumers , the trade-ins process , mainly related to two issues which are the old product discounts and new product valuation .

  23. 开展汽车下乡及以旧换新的促销活动。

    Promotional campaigns will also be carried out for auto sales in rural areas and the trading-in of used cars for new ones .

  24. 中央财政投入资金450亿元,补贴家电汽车摩托车下乡、汽车家电以旧换新和农机具购置。

    The central government provided 45 billion yuan in subsidies for rural residents to purchase home appliances and motor vehicles , including motorbikes .

  25. 然而除非在现金补贴以旧换新计划后,汽车的需求人很高,否则汽车工业将需要更少的工人。

    Yet unless demand for cars stays high after " cash-for-clunkers " incentives fade , the car industry in Europe will need fewer workers .

  26. 残值下降还会减少消费者在以旧换新或转售二手车时获得的价格。

    A fall in residual value also decreases the amount of money consumers get at trade-in or when they try to resell a used car .

  27. 就像最近的“以旧换新”项目对美国的重要性一样,促进汽车销售在中国已经成为国家经济的必要措施。

    Like the U.S.with its recent " cash for clunkers " program , in China it has become a national economic necessity to promote car ownership .

  28. 驾车者可以事前订购一定的里程数,一旦电池耗尽,就能在位置便捷的交换站以旧换新。

    Motorists will be able to pre-order a certain mileage , once the batteries run out , will be able to exchange points convenient location TM .

  29. 在欧洲,汽车制造商曾预见到市场会放缓,主要原因是去年曾人为促进了汽车销售的以旧换新计划告终。

    In Europe , carmakers had predicted the slower market , due largely to the ending of scrappage schemes that artificially inflated car sales last year .

  30. 此外,城乡地区家电以旧换新享受10%补贴这一政策的期限,也得到延长。

    Beijing has also extended the 10 per cent subsidy on the scheme to trade in old appliances for new in both rural and urban areas .