
  • 网络Council of Ephesus;Ecumenical Council of Ephesus
  1. 以弗所会议确定基督只有一位,但凯西顿会议却确定基督存在于双重本性之中,一为人性,一为神性。

    The Council of Ephesus had decided that there is only one Person of Christ , but the Council of Chalcedon decided that He exists in two natures , one human and one divine .

  2. 皇帝支持以弗所宗教会议,但教皇却拒绝承认它。

    The Emperor supported the synod , but the Pope repudiated it .

  3. 公元449年圣赛瑞利死后,以弗所宗教会议试图取得进一步的胜利,因而遂陷入与奈斯脱流斯方向相反的另一异端;

    In449 , after the death of Saint Cyril , a synod at Ephesus tried to carry the triumph further , and thereby fell into the heresy opposite to that of Nestorius ;