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Thursday , the president addresses the Israeli Knesset , followed by a reception in honor of Israel's60-year anniversary .
The Israeli Knesset has rejected three non-confidence motions against the coalition government led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert .
Rabbi Eliezer Waldman is a former member of the Israeli parliament and one of Kiryat Arba 's earliest residents .
Peres spoke at the opening of the winter session of the Knesset , Israel 's parliament .
There was also a bill in the Israeli parliament that sought to give Jews more access .
In a flag-draped casket Ariel Sharon enters the Israeli Knesset , the parliament for the very last time .
The Israeli Parliament has voted to oust Benjamin Netanyahu after a record 12-year rule as the country 's prime minister .
The sole Bedou in Israel 's parliament , Taleb al-Sana , warns of a Bedouin intifada if the planners persist .
The researchers surveyed how much TV news coverage was given to every member of the Israeli Knesset on three local channels .
Israel 's parliament has approved a new unity government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former rival Benny Gantz .
Mr. Sharon retired after a cease-fire was negotiated , and turned to politics , winning a seat in the Knesset in 1977 .
Am 12 . M ä rz beschlie ß t das israelische Parlament die schrittweise Einf ü hrung der Wehrpflicht f ü r ultraorthodoxe M ä nner .
Once the Knesset formally approves plans for the poll , the election will likely be scheduled for early 2009 - more than a year ahead of schedule .
Local media reported on Sunday that his casket will be stationed in the Knesset ( parliament ) in order to allow the public to pay their last respect .
Speaking to Israel 's parliament Thursday , President Bush strongly rejected the idea of negotiating with foreign leaders or radicals that are considered enemies of the United States .
With so many coalition members serving as ministers and deputy ministers , there will be too few backbenchers to give the government majorities in all of the Knesset's17 committees .
He launched his campaign at the Knesset , promising that any future agreement with the Palestinians will not include handing over parts of the West Bank and the Golan Heights .
Israel is facing an election this year and even its most dovish politicians have been reluctant to pay the minimum price the Palestinians require , on borders and Arab East Jerusalem .
Israelis began casting ballots on Monday in parliamentary elections for the third time in less than a year .
Speaking before a special session of the Israeli parliament Monday , Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel faces an " all-out war " against Hamas .