
  • 网络Tank shell;tank gun cartridge
  1. 德国坦克炮弹打不穿这些坦克的装甲,而T-34却能击穿几乎所有德国坦克,直到纳粹搞出虎式重型坦克和斐迪南坦克歼击车。

    German tank shells failed to pierce that tank 's armour , while the T-34 cannon shells penetrated almost all German tanks until Nazis got their Tiger heavy tanks and Ferdinand tank destroyers .

  2. 但联合国观察团负责人上周末访问该地区后发表声明称,观察员们在胡拉镇发现了坦克炮弹碎片,以及使用过的炮兵弹药。

    But a statement from the head of the UN observer force , who visited the area at the weekend , said monitors had found tank shells and spent artillery ammunition in Houla .