
  • 【人名】Enoch
  1. 段以诺,作者笔下塑造的人物,太酷了。

    Section of Enoch , shaped his writing characters , too cool .

  2. 以诺与上帝同行,上帝将他取去,他就不在世了。

    Keep eternity 's goal in sight by walking daily in God 's light .

  3. 创5:18雅列活到一百六十二岁、生了以诺。

    Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years , and became the father of Enoch .

  4. 你对描写以诺一生的四节经文有何感想?

    What have you learned from the four verses describing the whole life of Enoch ?

  5. 他的曾祖父是以诺,而以诺是一个与神同行的人。

    And his great grandfather was Enoch , a man who walked with God closely .

  6. 但以诺仍然与神同行。

    Still Enoch walked with God .

  7. 该隐与妻子同房,他妻子就怀孕,生了以诺。

    Cain lay with his wife , and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch .

  8. 今天当你和我在欣赏以诺的故事,以诺正在欣赏天堂呢!

    Today while you and I are enjoying Enoch 's story , Enoch is enjoying Heaven !

  9. 该隐建造了一座城,就按着他儿子的名将那城叫做以诺。

    Cain was then building a city , and he named it after his son Enoch .

  10. 以诺是第一位发明书本和书写,很像抄写员透特。

    Enoch was the first to invent books and writing , much like Thoth the scribe .

  11. 林以诺牧师以他独有的鬼马方式,与你笑谈圣经的人生道理。

    Rev Enoch Lam shares with us in his unique humorous way biblical stories and modern life .

  12. 玛土撒拉大约300岁时,一件令人震惊的事发生在他的父亲以诺身上。

    Methuselah would have been about 300 years old when an amazing thing happened to his father Enoch .

  13. 这非常有趣,他把从以诺中引来的内容拿掉了,他没有保留那些。

    What 's interesting enough , he takes out the quotation from Enoch , he doesn 't have that .

  14. 所以我们有另外一些文献叫做《以诺启示录》,或者《以诺的启示录》,或者《以诺》

    So we have different documents called the Apocalypse of Enoch or the Revelations of Enoch , or Enoch itself .

  15. 一些学者相信,先知伊德里斯(圣经中的以诺)就是古埃及的奥西里斯。

    Some scholars believe that Prophet Idris ( Enoch in the Bible ) was the same as the Egyptian god Osiris .

  16. 古希腊人断定以诺与墨丘利神/赫密士一样,写了透特的裴翠石版。

    The ancient Greeks declare that Enoch is the same as Mercury / Hermes Trismegistus writing the Emerald Tablets of Thoth .

  17. 德国文学浪漫派的哲学旨趣&以诺瓦利斯、荷尔德林的作品为例

    The Analysis of Philosophy by German Romanticists in Literature A preliminary analysis of the philosophical interest of Novalis ' and Holderlin 's Work

  18. 正如我们所讨论的,在人类堕落之后,以诺是圣经上第一位与主同行的人。

    As we have discussed , after the Fall , the first one about whom it was said that walked with God was Enoch .

  19. 本文报告以诺氏疟原虫红内期无性体为模型,在恒河猴体内测定青蒿琥酯和二盐酸奎宁静脉给药后的杀虫速度和治愈效果。

    The speed of parasite clearance and cure rate of artesunate and quinine dihydrochloride after intravenous administration against Plasmodium knowlesi in Rhesus monkeys were compared .

  20. 在帝国征战模式中,初期的俄罗斯是以诺夫哥罗德为中心的一片孤立的微小的地区。

    The Russian kingdom is small and isolated and at the start of the grand campaign is centered solely on the capital city of Novgorod .

  21. 虽然以诺只活了365年,他的儿子玛土撒拉比世界的历史里其他任何人都活的长,969年!

    Although Enoch only lived 365 years , his son Methuselah lived longer than any other person in the history of the world , 969 years !

  22. 我们知道以诺是神的先知,反对世上那些不敬畏神的(犹大书14-15)。

    We are also told that he was a prophet of God and spoke against the ungodliness that was so widespread in the earth ( Jude 14-15 ) .

  23. 亚当的七世孙以诺,曾豫言这些人说,看哪,主带着他的千万圣者降临。

    Enoch , the seventh from Adam , prophesied about these men : " See , the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones " .

  24. 本文以诺斯的制度启动国际贸易理论入手,并梳理东亚区域内分工模式的发展历程,建立制度&分工框架,来解释东亚贸易结构失衡的原因。

    Beginning with the institution starting international trade theory by North , this paper combs product specialization system in East Asia and establishes an institution-specialization framework to explain the imbalance .

  25. 注意到他在做什么,他在引用以诺的文献,这在圣经里是没有的,好像它也是真正的预言和以诺里的经文。

    Notice what he 's doing , he 's quoting Enochic literature , which isn 't in our Bible , as if it is also true prophecy and scripture from Enoch .

  26. 新自由主义者以此为政治思维的原点,形成了以罗尔斯为代表的新契约论和以诺奇克为代表的反契约论。

    Neo-liberalists take it as a starting point of political thinking , forming new contract hypothesis with John Rawls as its representative and Anti-contract hypothesis with Robert Nozick as its representative .

  27. 约翰描写的弥赛亚和“人子”相似,“人子”尤其在以诺书中,以及后来被耶稣提及。

    The image of the Messiah described by John is similar to the " Son of Man ," as described especially in the Book of Enoch and about whom Jesus later spoke .

  28. 再以诺斯的制度变迁理论以及路径依赖理论,揭示出几次农业保险制度变迁路径选择的依据,以及绩效欠佳的理论成因。

    Then it relies on the institutional change theory of North and path dependence theory , revealing the evidence for the path choice during the agricultural insurance system change and the theoretic reasons for poor performance .

  29. 该隐与妻子同房、他妻子就怀孕、生了以诺、该隐建造了一座城、就按著他儿子的名将那城叫作以诺。

    And Cain had connection with his wife and she became with child and gave birth to enoch : and he made a town , and gave the town the name of Enoch after his son .

  30. 这一时期由于以诺维奇为首的东昂格利亚地区纺织业和手工业的持续繁荣,使得作为诺维奇外港的大雅茅斯在这一时期也有了相应的转型。

    Because of the continuous prosperity of textile industry and the handicraft industry of Norwich and East Anglia , Great Yarmouth as the outer harbor of which area , which had corresponding reforming in this time .