
  1. 朝鲜赴明使臣的中国观&以朝鲜赴明使臣所作纪行录为考察中心天色微明中,钓索伸展着,朝下通到水中。

    Chosun Envoys to the Ming Dynasty and Their Outlook on China & Focus on Their Travel Notes And in the first light the line extended out and down into the water .

  2. 使愚人灵明,使少年人有知识和谋略。

    To make the simple-minded sharp , and to give the young man knowledge , and serious purpose .

  3. 正统年间,明蒙通使往来达到了一个高峰。

    In the period of Ming Zhengtong , the contacts between Ming and Mongol emissary reached a high tide .

  4. 明与暗相互辉映,明在暗中凸显,暗做明的背景,使各个篇章的主题思想更加明确。

    Bright and dark mutual reflect , Ming in the dark highlights , dark do the background of Ming , make each chapter subject thought more clear . 4 .