
  • 网络Stars;rising star;next big thing;star search
  1. 这些“明日之星”的年龄可能在40岁上下,向首席信息官汇报,年薪6位数(美国的年薪可能高于欧洲)。

    This " rising star " is likely to be in their late 30s or early 40s , reporting to the CIO , and earning six figures ( possibly more in the US than in Europe ) .

  2. AntennaSoftware首席移动官吉姆索莫斯(JimSomers)表示:很多移动策略师来自IT企业和开发背景,他们是一群开展战略思维的明日之星。

    Jim Somers , chief mobility officer at Antenna Software , says : A mobile strategist frequently comes from an IT organisation and a development background , and is a rising star who is thinking strategically .

  3. 他的球技在他给这些希望成为明日之星的年轻人担任教练的过程中继续发挥出很大作用。

    His soccer skills continue to be put to good use in his job as football coach to young hopefuls .

  4. 几年前,公司一位“明日之星”递交辞呈,促使公司CEOG•布林特•莱恩重新审视公司注重超长工作时间和出勤的策略。

    A few years ago , a resignation letter from a rising star in the company prompted CEO G.Brint Ryan to reevaluate the firm 's focus on long hours and face time .

  5. nba也在中国打了很多年的季前赛,在中国设立了三个NBA训练营---旨在寻找明日之星。那些大牌球员也会在休赛期来到中国宣传他们代言的品牌。

    The league has played preseason games there for years , has three NBA academies in the country - designed to find the next star prospect - and big-name players go there every offseason to promote their brand .

  6. “明日之星”的教练们还将指教梅赛德斯-奔驰“明日之星”小学校园网球项目(STP)首站活动设在朝天小学和体育东路小学。

    " SFS " coaches will also conduct a five-day at-school mini-tennis training program (" STP ") for primary school students at both Chaotian Primary School & Sports East Road Primary School .

  7. 而与此同时,松下公司(Panasonic)则将其采用4K技术的平板电脑捧为明日之星。这种技术号称能用比现有高分辨率还高四倍的分辨率显示图像。

    Panasonic ( PC ), meanwhile , is hitching its star to a tablet with so-called 4K technology that it claims displays images at four times greater resolution than existing high-definition resolutions .

  8. 梦幻篮球场:约为标准NBA球场三分之一大小的定制篮球场,用以举办篮球课程并培养明日之星。扣篮大赛:孩子们可以在这个蹦床区域展示他们的弹跳及扣篮天赋。

    The Arena : Roughly one-third the size of an NBA regulation court , The Arena is designed to teach basketball fundamentals and develop star players of tomorrow . Dunk Zone : Enclosed trampoline space where children can showcase their high-flying dunking skills .

  9. “我们养女孩就是要互相竞争。”音乐录影带把碧昂斯10岁时在电视才艺表演节目《明日之星》(StarSearch)中的片段与如今的碧昂斯的镜头穿插起来,现在的她穿着科特·柯本(KurtCobain)

    The video intersperses an excerpt from 10-year-old Beyonc é 's appearance on the TV talent show " Star Search " with the current-day Beyonc é , clad in Kurt Cobain flannel , executing a spectacular dance routine in a dank basement surrounded by skinheads .

  10. 千禧年之大红包&预言2000年食品业的明日之星

    Foretell the future of food industry in 2000

  11. 又一颗明日之星正在冉冉升起。

    A future star is rising .

  12. 好莱坞明日之星

    The Young Stars of Hollywood

  13. 开展了培育公益明日之星的银杏伙伴成长计划;

    This year we launched the Ginkgo Fellows Program aiming to cultivate future leaders for the third sector .

  14. 强迫这些明日之星阅读经典,这很容易遭到取笑。

    It is easy to poke fun at the idea of forcing high-flying executives to read the classics .

  15. 噢,一位明日之星画的一幅美画,正是鄙人,艾米·邓肯。

    Oh , it 's a wonderful painting by an upandcoming artist named , huh , Amy Duncan .

  16. 很快,所有人都知道了伊万尼克似乎还在怀疑的事情:曾经的明日之星突然陨落。

    The rest of the world quickly learned what ewanick apparently suspected : the once-rising star had flamed out .

  17. “儿子,愿你成为知识领域的明日之星。”他曾这么说过。

    Son , may you be the star in the sky of knowledge , " he used to say .

  18. 到了明年3月,这些明日之星中很有可能会有1-2个人脱颖而出,可以成为球队基石。

    By March , there 's a real chance two or three of these prospects stick out as franchise players .

  19. 林书豪已经证明了自己,他成为了明日之星,他把他的成功归功于刻苦训练。

    Jeremy has proved himself , he becomes the future star , he owns his success to his hard work .

  20. 每一位嘉宾都收到来自“明日之星”成员颁发的荣誉证书及“明日之星”小营员们送上的礼物。

    Each guest was made honorary " Swing for the Stars " members and was presented with gifts from the children .

  21. 可能原因是他在有影响力的商业社会支持他的精英中成为受欢迎明日之星。

    It could be the reason that he became popular as a rising star among the influential business community that supported him .

  22. 这给四大带来一个特有的问题:如何在大量新手中找出明日之星。

    That presents the Big Four with a particular problem : how to identify future stars among the mass of raw recruits .

  23. 孩子们在热烈的掌声中走向舞台的中心,去迎接他们的荣誉和“明日之星”参与证书。

    In front of admiring audience each student marched onto center stage to receive their awards & " SFS " participation certificates .

  24. 两名球员都被认为是俱乐部的明日之星,在未来几周内俱乐部将提供一份待遇得到改善的新合同。

    Both players are regarded as major stars of the future by Juve and will be offered improved deals in the coming weeks .

  25. 西澳国家网球学院首席教练乔·麦卡锡在新的一年也将与“明日之星”再续前缘,第二年任教。

    Coach Joe McCarthy , head coach of the Tennis West Australia National Academy , will return to China for a second year .

  26. 其影响涉及全球华语观众。公司在做好现有著名艺人宣传的同时,还在不断发现包装新人,使之成为“明日之星”。

    Besides promoting stars on board , the company is keeping looking for new comers to make them " The Star of Tomorrow " .

  27. 由中国网球协会主办,北京比格文化传播有限公司全程运营的2011梅赛德斯-奔驰“明日之星”国际训练营教练阵容最终敲定。

    The CTA & BIG formally announced the international coach lineup for the2011 Mercedes-Benz " Swing for the Stars " Junior Tennis Development Program .

  28. 孩子们通过这次终身难忘的活动也更加坚定了继续“明日之星”之旅,跟随偶像的脚步追梦网球的决心。

    This once-in-a-lifetime event left every child eager to continue to " Swing for the Stars " and emulate their hero , Roger Federer .

  29. 酶制剂可成为中国洗涤剂组成的明日之星,为中国洗涤剂工业发展作出更大贡献。

    And Enzyme will become a very important ingredient in detergent formulation , and will contribute a lot for the development of China detergent industry .

  30. 罗马青训出身的阿奎拉尼已经被徵召进入义大利国家代表队一次,且被认为是义大利足坛最具潜力的明日之星之一。

    Giallorossi academy product , Aquilani has already been capped once for Italy and is considered one of the most promising talents of Italian football .