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míng lì
  • bright and beautiful
明丽 [míng lì]
  • [bright and beautiful] 明净美丽

  • 明丽的秋色

明丽[míng lì]
  1. 清新明丽&五代词人李词的审美特质口气清新人人亲

    Fresh , Bright and Beautiful : On the Aesthetic Features in Li Xun 's Ci in the Five Dynasties The tone is clear dry

  2. 当天晚上,这个明丽的形象传遍整个Instagram。

    The bright image dominated Instagram streams for the remainder of the evening .

  3. 阳光明丽,孔雀来个全套日光浴。

    The peacock takes a full bath in the gorgeous sun .

  4. 一个星,两个星,无数明丽的火星。

    One spark , two sparks , numerous sparks bright as a crowd .

  5. 五月行云明丽池塘浮影半掩。

    Bright clouds of may Shade half the pond .

  6. 明丽的六月你吹拂玫瑰。

    Do not the bright June roses blow .

  7. 阳光明丽舞妙曼。

    Dance to their romance in the sun .

  8. 明丽的月华亲吻海波。

    And the moonbeams kiss the sea .

  9. 亮泽净化因子令肌肤时刻明丽白皙,富有透明感,保持肌肤健康活力。

    Bright purifying factor makes your skin beautiful and white , with transparency and healthy vigor .

  10. 强烈的抒情性,具有明丽乐观的审美情调,这是周立波现实主义小说艺术的现代性的重要特征。

    This is an important characteristic of modernity settling up wave realistic novel art of Zhou Libo .

  11. 萧红和她的小说是中国文学史上一缕明丽的彩霞。

    Xiao Hong and her works is a wonderful rainbow in the modern literary history of China .

  12. 北美豹蝶北美一种色彩明丽的蝴蝶(纹蛱蝶属纹蛱蝶)

    A brightly colored butterfly ( Argynnis aphrodite ) of North America . type genus of the Chaetodontidae .

  13. 汇明,时尚浪尖上光芒四射的明星,汇聚所有的明丽与灵动色彩。

    Himens , the glamorous star on the fashion wave , clustering all the bright and smart colors .

  14. 在意境创造上,温庭筠的诗与词都以南方水乡的柔美明丽为基调,具有情景交融的纯美境界。

    The artistic conception of poem and Ci-verses by Wen was based on the gentle and lovely southern landscape .

  15. 唐诗风骨即坚实的思想内容和刚健明丽的表现形式的完美统一。

    The vigour of style of Tang poetry is the perfect unity of solid contents and vigorous and sprightly forms .

  16. 此外,雍正行乐图工细而写实,设色明丽,反映了当时宫廷绘画的风格特点。

    Besides , the elaborate and realistic style and the bright colors were characteristic of court painting during the period .

  17. 提升的花朵颜色也比往日更明丽,更健康持久。

    The ascending flowers are more vibrant in color than ever , and healthier lasting longer than at prior times .

  18. 可以来一次难忘的驾车之旅,驾车循着高速路横跨大烟山,沿途道路蜿蜒,色彩明丽。

    For a breathtaking drive , journey along the highway across the Smoky Mountains to see winding roads with bright hues .

  19. 太阳在明丽的照着同时我带着甜蜜的心有点羞涩的看着你的眼。

    The sun is shining in the blue sky while my sweet heart looks into your eyes being a little shy .

  20. 但时代背景和生存环境的不同,又让她们的词作表现出了或清新明丽或沉郁淳雅的特色。

    But because the difference of age and living surroundings , their writings show different characters , fresh and beautiful or profound and elegant .

  21. 人们看到明丽的双彩虹时会变得兴奋不已,并且会把自己的感情附加其上。

    " People get very excited by seeing a bright double rainbow , and they just project onto it their own emotions ," Lee said .

  22. 尤其是她的小说,以其唯美感人的基调,平静均匀的节奏和清新明丽的文字给人留下了深刻的印象。

    In particular , her novels are impressive . Because of her novels have the aesthetic style , the even rhythm and the fresh language .

  23. 教师给出一幅色彩明丽、风景较好的有动、植物的图片,让学生用所学新词和它们的比较级、最高级写一篇短文。

    Look at this picture , please write a short passage by using the new adjectives and their comparative and superlative forms we have studied today .

  24. 明丽表示:在为期一个月的“阵营”中,最终目的是教妇女如何“更好地经营他们的婚姻”。

    The women who are already married just want to know how to stop their husbands from cheating on them with younger women , she said .

  25. 他的水彩画清新秀丽、朴厚真实、富于浓郁的泥土气息和乡土诗情,明丽润泽、唯美悠扬。

    His watercolors are fresh and beautiful , just folks true and full of rich earthy and local poetry , bright and moist , beautiful and melodious .

  26. 这样明丽的地方,令戴安娜王妃也流连忘返,在亚得里亚海的一个小鸟上建立起了自己的度假别墅。

    For such a bright-colored and beautiful place , even Princess Diana was reluctant to leave and built her own holiday villa on a small island there .

  27. 她一生都在写作散文,成就也以散文最为显著。她的散文作品满蕴着抒情诗的韵味和风景画的明丽&诗画美,具有独特的艺术魅力。

    The most remarkable achievement is her prose , which is full of the appeal of the lyric poem and landscape picture , namely the unique artistic charm .

  28. 形态体式各异的意大利“通心粉”此刻被用来描述那些外貌光鲜明丽而本一无可取的。

    Macaroni , the name of pasta in any of various hollow shapes , is now used to describe people who are impressive in appearance but disappointing in substance .

  29. 自由是一种可以永远流动的风景,如煦风般穿越厅堂,飘逸出清新明丽的居家格调。

    The freedom is a kind of scenery that can flow forever , crossing the hall as the breeze , which can perform the elegant and clear house style easily .

  30. 白榉木的纹理与淡远清致的联想,明丽视界与高尚生活的联想,都让人如此安静。

    The veins of white beech combining with the imagination of pure and clean thought , clear visual sense combining with the imagination of noble life , all make us so quiet .