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huán rǎo
  • surround;ring;encircle;revolve;embrace;revolve around;girdle;wreathe;hem in
环绕 [huán rào]
  • (1) [encircle]∶沿由路程、行进和旅行所形成的圆圈运动

  • 环绕世界一周

  • (2) [surround]∶在四周构成圆环;构成弯曲或圆形边界

  • 林地环绕着村庄

环绕[huán rǎo]
  1. 山丘环绕着村庄。

    The hills embrace the village .

  2. 更新我的心灵,好让我环绕你给的家庭也被你环绕。

    Renew my spirit to embrace your family and to embrace you .

  3. 一颗新的人造卫星被送上了环绕地球的轨道。

    A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth .

  4. 赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。

    The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth .

  5. 奖杯被环绕着体育场高举展示。

    The trophy was paraded around the stadium .

  6. 环绕太平洋的是一连串的火山。

    A chain of volcanoes girdles the Pacific .

  7. 地球环绕自身的轴心转动。

    The earth revolves on its axis .

  8. 那个度假胜地被广阔的国家和地区绿地所环绕。

    The resort is surrounded by extensive national and regional parklands .

  9. 这颗行星可能正环绕着一颗小恒星运行。

    The planet is probably in orbit around a small star .

  10. 莫里森家坐落在林阴环绕的小山顶上。

    The Morrisons ' home stood on a wooded hilltop .

  11. 其巨大的立柱为月桂和木兰花所环绕。

    Its huge columns were wreathed with laurel and magnolia .

  12. 瑟堡有一个由绵延海堤环绕的美轮美奂的港口。

    Cherbourg had a splendid harbour enclosed by a long sea wall .

  13. 气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的火山灰带。

    Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth

  14. 这是环绕市区的环路。

    This is the ring road that circles the city .

  15. 一条林阴大道环绕古城的中心。

    The old town centre is girdled by a boulevard lined with trees .

  16. 曼彻斯特周围环绕着绿色乡村带、住宅区和工业区。

    Manchester is hemmed in by greenbelt countryside and by housing and industrial areas

  17. 几所乡村小木屋环绕在三角形绿地周围。

    Timbered cottages stood around a triangular green .

  18. 未遭破坏的珊瑚礁环绕着海湾。

    An unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay .

  19. 环绕太阳有圈淡淡的光晕。

    The sun had a faint halo round it

  20. 这座城堡最初由三重墙环绕而成,现在仅存一道。

    The castle was originally surrounded by a triple wall , only one of which remains .

  21. 我们觉得周围植物环绕会有益健康,这种直觉有科学证据支持。

    There is scientific evidence to support our instinct that being surrounded by plants is good for health

  22. 露西尔的家美其名曰城堡,事实上不过是一座壕沟环绕的大农场。

    Lucille 's home was very grandly called a chateau , though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm .

  23. 认为地球环绕月球运转的观点很可笑。

    It 's absurd / ridiculous to believe that the earth goes round the moon .

  24. 高山环绕峡谷。

    High hills surround the valley .

  25. 他们把一颗气象卫星送入环绕地球的轨道。

    They put a weather satellite into orbit about the earth .

  26. 橡皮圈将其环绕的东西箍得紧紧的。

    A rubber band constricts what it encircles .

  27. 大院的四周,绿树环绕。

    The compound is surrounded by trees .

  28. 如果泰晤士河环绕着大本钟,伦敦人将很快面临排放问题。

    If the Thames were lapping around Big Ben , Londoners would face up to the problem of emissions pretty quickly .

  29. 如果读者选择了延迟奖励的新闻,那他就将自己拉近了一个被真实环绕的世界,而他只有通过努力才能适应这个世界。

    When a reader selects delayed reward news , he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself only by hard work .

  30. 国家航天局表示,“祝融号”火星车将继续向乌托邦平原南部的古海陆交界地带行驶,实施拓展任务。据介绍,目前,环绕器运行在中继通信轨道,主要为火星车进行中继通信(relaycommunication)。

    The CNSA added that the rover will continue to move to the boundary zone between the ancient sea and land in the southern part of Utopia Planitia to carry out tasks .