
huán qiú wǎnɡ
  • Global Network;World Wide Web;WWW
  1. 后来出现了环球网(简称WWW),互联网用户群急剧扩张。

    Then came the World Wide Web and the dramatic expansion of the Internet user base .

  2. 环球网图象搜索引擎研究综述

    The Study of World Wide Web Image Search Engine

  3. 如今托马斯已在房产市场出售该房,要价35万英镑。(环球网)

    And now Thomas has put his350,000-pound property on the market for sale .

  4. “这并不是因果研究,”他发送电子邮件告知环球网。

    " This is not a cause-and-effect study ," he tells WebMD in an email .

  5. 当许多人谈起因特网搜索引擎时实际上指的都是环球网搜索引擎。

    When most people talk about Internet search engines , they really mean World Wide Web search engines .

  6. 环球网记者报道,春节是中国最重要的传统节日。

    The journalist of World Wide Web reports that the Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China .

  7. 据环球网报道,今年103岁的妻子在自己的父母双亡之后,从6岁开始就和现年102岁的丈夫生活在一起。

    The 103-year-old wife moved in with her 102-year-old husband when she was just six-years-old after her parents died , the People 's Daily Online reported .

  8. 一些日本和美国的电视观众已经可以通过他们的电视来上网冲浪,微软的子公司环球网电视计划在英国同样实行这一举措。

    Some viewers in Japan and the United States already can surf the Web via their TV sets , and Microsoft subsidiary Web TV plans the same for Britain .

  9. 据《人民日报》旗下的环球网报道,这一事件于7月13日晚间发生在中国东部江苏省泰州市。

    The incident took place in the evening of July 13 in Taizhou , eastern China 's Jiangsu Province , reported Huanqiu.com , an affiliation to People 's Daily .

  10. 据环球网报道,广西南宁的大学生创造了这个装置,作用是将室外的新鲜空气抽到呼吸范围�

    The man from Nanning , Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region created the apparatus to pump in fresh air to his shareddormitory , reports Huanqiu , affiliated with the People 's DailyOnline .

  11. 根据环球网报道,今年27岁、来自于沈阳的佟傲楠一连通宵几夜,用840块魔方拼出他的心上人头像,来表达自己的爱意。

    Tong Ao'nan , 27 , from Shenyang stayed awake through several nights to solve 840 Rubick 's cubes to create a likeness of his sweetheart , according to Huanqiu .

  12. “牛奶能提供大量的维生素D,它也能代替其他一些高脂肪、高热量食物,”他告诉环球网。

    " Milk is a great source of vitamin D , and it is also taking the place of other foods that are higher in fat and calories ," he tells WebMD .

  13. 另外,新闻门户网站环球网报道,本周有一个广泛流传的谣言称,新浪已经暂停招聘有经验的员工来整合和优化其业务。

    Separately , a rumor circulated widely this week saying that Sina had suspended recruitment of experienced staff to allow it to integrate and optimize its businesses , news portal huanqiu.com reported .

  14. 着重阐述未来气候资料信息处理系统的技术基础,主要有系统集成、可视化技术、数据仓库技术、数据开采技术、环球网技术和智能代理技术。

    Described mainly are technical fundamentals of future climate data processing system , including techiques of system integration , visualization , data warehouse , data mining , world wide web and intelligent agent .

  15. Internet环球信息网和信息高速公路

    Internet and Information Superhighway

  16. 讨论了使用Applet制作环球数据网WWW中多媒体信息的方法,包括如何编写嵌入Applet的HTML文档,Applet使用的标记及其属性含义。

    This paper discussed the methods of how to organize multimedia message with Applet and how to program Applet which is embedded in HTML file . It also explained the meaning of the tags used in Applet .

  17. 首先研究了环球军事网的特点以及发展现状;

    First Fire website has studied the characteristics and development status ;

  18. 环球数据网中多媒体信息的制作方法

    The Way to Make Multimedia Message in World Wide Web

  19. 欢迎使用华南理工大学环球信息网(中文版)。

    Welcome to the WWW Services of South China University of Technology ( English Edition ) .

  20. 一位官员称,该法案将在年底送至议会进行表决。(来源:环球时报网)

    The proposal will be sent to parliament for approval by the end of the year , an official said .

  21. “库鲁”勇于“追求自由”的做法触动不少市民的心,冲绳不少居民强烈呼吁将“库鲁”放生,还它自由。(环球时报网)

    Kuru 's brave behaviour touched a lot of residents of Okinawa and they strongly appealed for dolphin 's freedom .

  22. 北约克郡的斯卡博勒海洋生物中心的海洋专家对其进行分析,他们称,出现双色龙虾的概率仅为五千万分之一。(环球时报网)

    Ocean experts in Sikabole Marine Life Center , North Yokshire , analysed the lobster and said it appears with a probability of one-in-billion .

  23. 当地运动团体告诉巴西环球电视新闻网记者说,至少有两名土著居民也受伤了。但目前受伤原因以及伤者现状尚未可知。

    Activist groups told the newspaper Globo that at least two indigenous people were also injured , though it was not clear how it happened or the status of their condition .