
  1. 环县道情皮影戏中的打击乐

    Percussion Music in Dao Qing Shadow Play of Huan County

  2. 本文重点将环县道情皮影戏中的打击乐分类,并逐一介绍其特点和作用。

    This paper describes the percussion part of the shadow play and lays out its characteristics and functions .

  3. 环县道情皮影戏流行于甘肃环县及周边地区,具有浓郁的地方色彩,其打击乐形式独特、内容丰富,是不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Dao Qing shadow play of Huan County , popular in Huan County of Gansu and vicinities , is rich in local flavor , and its percussion music , an indispensable part of the shadow play , is unique in form and colorful in content .