
  • 网络red culture
  1. 论当代商业性平面设计中的红色文化符号

    The " Red Culture " Symbols in Contemporary Commercial Graphic Design

  2. 湘鄂西红色文化的形成及开发

    The Formation and Exploration of the Red Culture in Hunan-Hubei West

  3. 红色文化有历史继承性与动态性的特点。

    Red culture has the inheritance and the dynamic characteristics .

  4. 因而,红色文化具有强大的育人功能;

    Therefore ," red culture " has powerful function of educating people .

  5. 论江西红色文化的开发与利用

    On the Exploitation and Utilization of Jiangxi Red Culture

  6. 江西红色文化与新时期思想政治教育研究

    Study on Jiangxi Red Culture and Ideological and Political Education of New Era

  7. 建设红色文化与和谐社会的强大思想武器&关于弘扬八一、井冈山和苏区精神的思考

    Spiritual Arms of Building Red Culture & Harmonious Society

  8. 弘扬红色文化促进社会主义思想道德建设

    Carry Forward " Red Culture " to Raise Socialist Ideological and Ethical Standards

  9. 红色文化遗产相关概念辨析

    Discriminate some concept connected to red Cultural heritage

  10. 江西作为革命老区,红色文化资源十分丰富。

    Jiangxi , the traditional revolutionary base , is full of red culture resources .

  11. 论红色文化与未成年人思想道德教育

    On " Red Culture " and the Ideological & Ethic Education of the Minor

  12. 做好红色文化传播,是我们义不容辞的责任和神圣使命。

    Improving the communication of the red cultural is our responsibility and the sacred missions .

  13. 弘扬红色文化与建设社会主义核心价值体系

    Carry on and promote red culture and constructing of the system of socialism core values

  14. 枣庄红色文化资源开发利用对策研究

    The Research and Countermeasure of the Red Cultural Resources ' Development and Utilization in ZaoZhuang

  15. 红色文化遗产资源具有独特性、多样性、稀缺性、文化性等特点。

    It is endowed with those characteristics such as particularity , diversity , rareness and culture .

  16. 红色文化遗产资源是开发红色旅游的有效载体,是一种独特的综合性旅游资源。

    The Red-cultural heritage is a special comprehensive tourism resource contributing to developing the Red Tourism .

  17. 红色文化传播是以红色文化信息为媒介内容的传播。

    The communication of the red cultural is taking revolutionizes cultural and the socialism advanced culture .

  18. 沂蒙地区是山东有名的革命老区,特色鲜明的红色文化是该地区文化资源中的一大亮点。

    The distinctive red culture is one of its features of cultural resources in this region .

  19. 作为先进文化的有机组成部分,红色文化具有自身独特的逻辑内涵。

    As the organic component of advanced culture , red culture has its own unique logic connotation .

  20. 论红色文化建设

    On Red Culture Construction

  21. 红色文化与心灵洗礼&论红色文化的育人功能与实现机制

    Red Culture and Mind Baptism & On the Education Function and Realization Mechanism of " Red Culture "

  22. 红色文化探微

    Exploration of Red Culture

  23. 红色文化从字面上看,其核心语素是红色和文化。

    Red culture literally , the core ofa morpheme is the " red " and " culture " .

  24. 齐鲁文化、红色文化、滨海文化、运河文化、民俗文化等,绚烂多姿,闪耀着智慧的光芒。

    Qilu culture , revolutionary culture , coastal culture , canals culture and folk culture shining light of wisdom .

  25. 对红色文化资源合理地开发和有效地利用,能够带来巨大的政治、经济、文化效益。

    And if is used effectively and reasonably , it can bring the huge politics , economy , and cultural benefits .

  26. 关中红色文化作为新中国红色文化的重要组成部分,也是区域红色先进文化的一面旗帜,它对于加强大学生的思想政治教育,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    The red culture is an important part of the Chinese red culture and a banner of advanced culture in red area .

  27. 沂蒙红色文化是在沂蒙地区这一广义的地理与文化空间内,近代沂蒙人民在革命进程中所有文化创造的总和。

    Linyi Red Cultures are the totality of cultures created by Linyi people during the Revolution age throughout the grand Linyi region .

  28. 认真挖掘、研究、提炼和升华红色文化是当前马克思主义理论研究和建设工程的重要内容。

    To tap , study , refine and sublimate the red culture is an major content to study and build Marxist theory at present .

  29. 特色文献资源的文化学意义和符号学价值红色文化遗产资源具有独特性、多样性、稀缺性、文化性等特点。

    Culturology Meaning and Semiology Value of Distinctive Literature Resource It is endowed with those characteristics such as particularity , diversity , rareness and culture .

  30. 在商业性平面设计领域,政治色彩浓郁的红色文化符号作为视觉设计元素经常出现。

    At the field of commercial graphic design , the " red culture " symbols with rich political color have being used Frequently as visual design elements .