
  1. 第九,丝路文化宣传、促销。包括举办多种旅游节会;

    Ninth , the promotion of the Silk Road culture .

  2. 泉州海上丝路文化的普世价值及重要启示

    Universal Value and Important Revelation of Sea Silk Road Culture in Quanzhou

  3. 中印丝路文化交流学术研讨会会议综述

    Summary of Academic Conference on the Sino-Indian Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road

  4. 第五,丝路文化旅游项目的设计。

    Fifth , the design of the cultural tourism along the Silk Road .

  5. 丝路文化打造特色旅游

    Silk-Road Culture Features Tourism with Special Flavor

  6. 丝路文化与西部建筑西部建筑异彩纷呈&评中国西部建筑优秀设计的创作道路

    Silk Road Culture and West Architecture A Comment on the Creation Methods of West Architecture in China

  7. 电火花线切割加工中电极丝受力分析综述中印丝路文化交流学术研讨会会议综述

    Force Analysis Of Wire-electrode In WEDM 's Machining Process Summary of Academic Conference on the Sino-Indian Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road

  8. 丝路文化吸引着世界各国的游客前往丝路沿线去体验和领略它的博大精深,丝路旅游成为世界的旅游精品。

    Nowadays , as the tourism masterpiece , the Silk Road culture is attracting tourists from all over the world to appreciate the beauty through tourism .

  9. 这里是中国丝路文化和长城文化的交汇点,素有“河西重镇”、边陲锁钥“之称。

    This is the Silk Road Chinese culture and the cultural crossroads of the Great Wall , known as " city of Ha Tay ," Suoyue border .

  10. 本文在追溯丝路文化(包括丝路建筑文化)的基础上分析了丝路地区建筑文化的特征。

    This article analyses the features of architecture culture in silk road area on the base of tracing back to silk road culture , including silk road architecture culture .

  11. 丝路史诗英雄文化背景

    The Cultural Background of the Epic Heroes on the Silk Road

  12. 首先运用层次分析法对丝路旅游资源文化价值的开发进行定量评价,评价内容包括旅游文化产品及其他两个方面。其次是对丝路旅游发展现状的论述。

    It puts forward the evaluating model of the cultural value in tourist attractions , and use the method of level-analyze to quantitative analysis the cultural value in the Silk Road .

  13. 运用史籍调查、实地调查访问、比较研究等研究方法,在占有较丰富文献资料的基础上,借鉴文化区研究模式,对唐代丝路新北道体育文化区进行研究。

    And comparison research as well as based on mastering abundant literature , referring cultural area research mode , the author makes a research on the athletics cultural area in the new north path of the Silk Road in Tang Dynasty .