
  • 网络dunhuang culture
  1. 曲子戏是敦煌文化的余脉。

    The Quzi opera is a branch of the Dunhuang culture .

  2. 怎样才能将灿烂的敦煌文化永久保存下来,这是每一代敦煌学者苦苦探求的课题。

    Preserving the brilliant Dunhuang culture for ever s a topic every generation of Dunhuang scholar has been addressing .

  3. 敦煌文化中的道教及文化

    CULTURE Daoism and Daoist Culture of Dunhuang

  4. 作为敦煌文化知识网格的一部分,系统涉及艺术科学与计算机科学的交叉和文化计算领域。

    As a part of Dunhuang Culture Knowledge Grid , this dissertation explores an interesting issue across culture and Computer Science .

  5. 这些对研究古代回鹘的历史文化具有重要意义,同时也证明,辉煌灿烂的古代敦煌文化是包括回鹘人在内的各民族共同创造的。

    These are significant in studying Uyghur history and culture , and at the same time , proves that the splendid Dunhuang culture was jointly created by all nationalities including the Uyghurs .

  6. 敦煌体育文化价值的研究

    A Study on the Value of Dun Huang Physical Culture

  7. 敦煌回鹘文化遗产及其重要价值

    Dunhuang Uyghur Cultural Heritage and Its Significance

  8. 敦煌佛教文化与体育

    Dunhuang Buddhist Culture and Physical Culture

  9. 通过以上三个层面的分析,我们会对敦煌历史文化题材纪录片的叙事特点形成一个系统认识。

    Through the analysis of the above three aspects , we will form a system understanding to the narrative characteristics of documentary on History and Culture of Dunhuang .

  10. 敦煌体育文化是敦煌文化的重要组成部分,它的产生发展与敦煌地区各民族的发展息息相关,也包含了中原文化的重要内容。

    Dunhuang sports culture is an important part of Dunhuang culture . Its origin and development are not only related to the development of nationalities in Dunhuang , but also contain the important content of Central Plain 's culture .

  11. 敦煌宗教文化包括佛道教建筑、艺术、文字史料及各种相关理念,它对东亚、中亚、印度次大陆以及欧洲的社会发展都曾有过不同程度的影响。

    Dunhuang religious culture includes abundant contents such as religious constructions , arts , ancient documents and various beliefs which had affected social evolution in different degrees in the East and the Middle Asia , the India subcontinent as well as parts of Europe .

  12. 敦煌古代体育文化植根的地域性因素考释

    The Exploration of the Region Factors on Dun-huang Ancient Physical Culture

  13. 美学敦煌是中华文化伟大复兴的强势话语。

    The Aesthetics Dunhuang is the powerful discourse of Chinese culture reviviscence .

  14. 正是这种地理环境上的独特性造就了敦煌灿烂的文化。

    It is this special geographical conditions , that Dunhuang magnificent culture was trained .

  15. 敦煌古代戏曲文化史料综述

    Materials of Chinese Traditional Operas of Ancient Dunhuang

  16. 敦煌古代传统文化中流传下来的体育卫生、保健活动也是敦煌古代体育文化源流的一个组成部分。

    In addition to , some activities of physical health and health protection that had been had down were also the ingredient of Dunhuang ancient physical culture .

  17. 敦煌曲子词地域文化研究

    Study of Dunhuang Quzici : A Regional Cultural Perspective

  18. 从这个意义上来说,敦煌百科全书般的文化价值和历史重量是无法估计的。

    In this sense , the encyclopedic cultural value and historic significance of Dunhuang are inestimable .

  19. 在这里敦煌艺术跨越了文化的差异,种族的不同,地域以及时空的分别,这是它的艺术魅力得以传承至今的重要原因。

    Here Dunhuang art across cultural differences , ethnic differences , geographical and temporal difference , which is its charm has been a major cause of transmission .

  20. 敦煌曲子戏是敦煌人民文化智慧的结晶,需要各级重视和真正采取措施保护和继承下去。

    DunHuang Melody Art show is the crystallization of the wisdom of the people of culture , at all levels of attention and really needs to take measures to protect and inherit it .

  21. 唐五代敦煌人的饮食品种研究&敦煌饮食文化研究之三

    The Variety of Food of Dunhuang People in the Tang and Five Dynasties

  22. 唐五代敦煌饮食中的饼浅探&敦煌饮食文化研究之二

    The Cake : A Kind of Food of Dunhuang during the Tang and Five Dynasties Periods

  23. 查尔斯王子私立艺术学院最近正在举行名为“丝绸之路的神圣艺术:敦煌莫高窟寺庙”的展览。这次活动与敦煌学院和敦煌文化推广基金会共同合作组织,本次展览包括一个实物大小的莫高窟3号洞手绘复制品。

    The Prince 's School of Traditional Arts is currently holding an exhibition titled " Sacred Art of the Silk Road : Dunhuang 's Buddhist Cave Temples . " Organized in collaboration with the Dunhuang Academy and the Dunhuang Culture Promotional Foundation , the exhibition includes a life-size , hand-painted replica of the Mogao Cave 3 .

  24. 敦煌研究院网站承担着本院文物展示、学术研究、敦煌石窟文化遗产保护宣传、工作动态、旅游接待等多项信息发布职能,是敦煌研究院的重要门面和信息发布窗口。

    Dunhuang Academy website showcase academic research , promotion of cultural heritage protection in Dunhuang Grottoes , work dynamics , and many other tourist information dissemination functions , is an important information Dunhuang Academy facade and release window .

  25. 敦煌研究院院长王旭东表示:“这次活动是我们展示和保护敦煌文化的一部分。希望能有更多的人通过拍摄来了解洞窟,并加入保护人类宝贵文物的队伍中来。”

    Wang Xudong , head of Dunhuang Academy , said : " This activity is part of our effort to showcase and protect Dunhuang culture . Hopefully more people will understand the caves by photographing and joining the army that protects the precious cultural relics of humanity . "

  26. 敦煌艺术的强大功能就在于它不受作为物理存在的时空有限性制约,敦煌艺术作为中华文化传统的现代生成,其艺术的启迪作用仍然会长存人间。

    Dunhuang art 's eternal life based on the modern generation of the Chinese tradition is beyond the limitation of Dunhuang grotto .