
  • 网络Gansu Library
  1. 荟萃华夏群籍承钵炎黄流觞&甘肃省图书馆古籍工作掠影中国古代的丛书

    Introduction Summary Work on Ancient Books of Gansu Province Library The Series of Chinese Ancient Books

  2. 甘肃省图书馆藏有乾隆四十七年抄成的文溯阁《四库全书》正本一部。

    Gansu Provincial Library possesses an original edition of Sikuquanshu which was named Wensuge in the forty-seventh year of Qianlong .

  3. 文章论述了甘肃省图书馆在各基层公共图书馆建立图书流通站工作及其运行情况。

    This article discusses that Gansu Provincial Library has developed the work of establishing The Mobile Station of Books and situation in motion in public libraries at the basic level .