
huán zhuànɡ ruán ɡǔ
  • cricoid cartilage
  1. 采用经体表途径,在舌骨水平上缘开始至环状软骨下缘区域扫查。

    Scanned region from superior border of the hyoid bone level to margo inferior of the cricoid cartilage on the body surface .

  2. 兔环状软骨损伤后软骨修复的实验研究

    Experimental study on repair of cricoid cartilage defect with cartilage grafts in rabbits

  3. 在颈部动态MRI正中矢状扫描图像上对环状软骨进行运动断层影像解剖学观测。

    Observing the lamina of cricoid on median longitudinal MRI of the neck moving .

  4. 目的:探讨环状软骨的正常超声所见。

    Objective : To study the ultrasound features of the cricoid cartilage .

  5. 甲状腺,环状软骨和软骨原骨全断了。

    The thyroid , cricoid and arytenoid cartilages are all multiply fractured .

  6. 结论:环甲肌属于二头肌,起于甲状软骨,止于环状软骨;

    Conclusions : The cricothyreoideus belongs to the biceps .

  7. 熟悉环状软骨侧边声像,可助超声诊断医师避免误诊。

    Familiarity with the appearance of this artefact will help sonographers to avoid diagnostic errors .

  8. 环状软骨加压联合腹部加压预防腹腔镜手术患者胃肠胀气的应用

    Application of preventing flatulence of laparoscopic surgical patients by combination of cricoid pressure and abdominal pressure

  9. 从中指长推算环状软骨最小内径的回归方程为(?)

    Predicting from the length of the middle fingers , the regressive equation of it is (?)

  10. 目的:研究环状软骨上喉部分切除术后的嗓音声学特征。

    Objective : To study the acoustic features of speech and voice after supracricoid partial laryngectomy ( SCPL ) .

  11. 目的总结环状软骨上喉次全切除术用于治疗声门型喉癌的疗效以及术后喉功能的恢复情况。

    Objective To investigate the curative effect and laryngeal functional recovery of the glottic cancer patients by supracricoid partial laryngectomy .

  12. 环状软骨板下缘有62.5%位于颈6椎体水平。

    For 62.5 % specimens , the inferior edge of cricoid cartilage board located the level of the sixth cervical vertebrae .

  13. 舌骨盖在环状软骨上口易造成新喉口狭窄引起拔管困难。

    That hyoid bone covers the entrance of cricoid cartilage will bring constriction of the new laryngeal orifice and make decannulation difficult .

  14. 从身高和中指长推算环状软骨的最小内径

    Predicting the smallest internal diameters of the cricoid cartilages by the height of the bodies or the length of the middle fingers

  15. 结果:发现咽下缩肌不仅有起于甲状软骨和环状软骨的肌纤维,而且有起于第1气管环的肌纤维和肌腱。

    Results : Not only did inferior constrictor start from thyroid cartilage and cricoid cartilage , but also start from first trachea ring .

  16. 结论:环状软骨瓣“檐状会厌”成形术有效防治全喉切除术后气-食管通路发声口的误咽。

    Conclusion : The technique of brim shape epiglottis plasty had avoid aspiration of food and also improved function of speech and swallowing for total laryngectomy patients .

  17. 行环舌根(会厌)吻合术,会厌能准确盖在环状软骨上口,充分起到防止误咽的保护作用,并且提高了拔管率。

    After anastomosis of cricoid cartilage and base of tongue ( epiglottis ), the epiglottis can exactly cover the entrance of cricoid cartilage to prevent aspiration fully and increase decannulation rate .

  18. 【结论】环形镍钛合金支架在气管造口成形中起到了环状软骨样的支撑作用,有效地防止全喉切除术后气管造口狭窄的发生。

    [ Conclusion ] Application of circular nickel titanium alloy stent in tracheostomy , which exerts a supporting effect of cricoid cartilage , can effectively prevent the tracheostomal stenosis after total laryngectomy .

  19. 环状软骨在绕贯穿两侧环甲关节的冠状轴上转动,能使两侧声带同时伸缩3.41mm左右;

    The movement of cricoid cartilage which turned around the coronal axis through bilateral cricothyroid joints could cause the extension and contraction of the bilateral vocal cords , with 3 . 41 mm range between the extention and contraction .

  20. 结果18例喉咽癌位于梨状窝11例、环状软骨后区5例和咽后壁2例,呈等密度或混杂密度软组织肿块,增强呈轻度强化;

    Results Of 18 cases , 11 cases were in the piriform fossa , 5 cases were in the postcricoid region and 2 cases were in the posterior wall of laryngeal pharynx . The tumor showed isodense or mixed density and slightly enhancement .