
  • 网络Environment Service;environmental service
  1. WTO环境服务贸易谈判和中国的利益

    Negotiations on Trade in WTO Environmental Services and Interests of China

  2. 作为大气污染控制工艺主要供应商的通用电器环境服务公司(GEESI),在其试验的基础上,近年来开发出新型、低费用管内洗涤(IDS)干法SO2脱除系统。

    As a major supplier of air Pollution control technology , General Electric Environmental Services Inc. ( GEESI ) has recently developed an innovative low cost In-Duct .

  3. 以此证明基于WebServices技术实现异构环境服务集成的可行性。

    This system has realized that the heterogeneous environment service integration based on Web Services is feasible .

  4. 在SOA中,环境服务可能没有界面。

    In an SOA , environment services may not always have an interface .

  5. VTS船舶交通服务是用于增进交通安全和提高交通效率以及保护环境服务的。

    VTS vessel traffic service is used to improve traffic safety , improve the transportation efficiency and protect environment service .

  6. 意愿价值评估法(CVM)为具有显著外部性的生态环境服务的价值评估提供可能,但只有经过有效性和可靠性检验的CVM成果才能应用于环境公共政策与治理。

    The result of Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) can be applied to the environmental public policy-making based on the full testing of validity and reliability .

  7. Boulder美国空间环境服务中心(SESC)发布245MHz射电爆发资料作为太阳活动实时警报。

    The data of the radio burst at 245 MHz issued by the Space Environment Service Center ( in Boulder , USA ) are used for the real-time alert of solar activities .

  8. 区域生态环境服务功能经济价值评价的理论与方法

    Theories and method of evaluating regional ecosystem environment service economic value

  9. 环境服务营销战略研究

    The Research on the Marketing Strategy of Environmental Service Business

  10. 环境服务&投资者值得注意的领域

    Environmental Service & Worth Notice for Investors in this Field

  11. 自然资源租金、公共环境服务与经济可持续发展

    The Natural Resources Rents , the Public Environmental Services and the Economic Sustainable Development

  12. 森林绿色核算中环境服务估价方法综述和比较

    Summarizing on Evaluation Methods of Environmental Services and Their Comparing in Green Accounting for Forest

  13. 探讨了上海现代都市农业未来的四个功能定位:城市的生态环境服务功能、产业化组织和示范带动功能、农业观光旅游和文化教育等服务功能、优质无公害农产品生产功能。

    Then it discusses four functions of modern urban agriculture of Shanghai in the future .

  14. 这两大核算体系在环境服务核算的内容、核算方法和核算的结果等方面存在差异。

    The two accounting systems are different in the accounting content , accounting method and accounting result .

  15. 区域生态环境服务价值评估&以延安市宝塔区为例

    Valuation of Regional Environmental Value & A Case in Baota District of Yan'an City , Shaanxi Province

  16. 用旅行费用法评价圆明园的环境服务价值

    The Value of Environmental Services of Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park : A Case Study on the Travel Cost Method

  17. 通过保护树木,“森林环境服务补偿”项目还有助于减少采伐活动造成的二氧化碳排放。

    By protecting trees , the PFES scheme also helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions that are released when logging occurs .

  18. 以陕西延安市宝塔区为例进行评估,得到2002年宝塔区生态环境服务价值为118322.214万元。

    The paper takes Baota district for example , and the value in 2002 is about 1.18 billion yuan RMB .

  19. 在促进亚洲可持续森林资源管理中,市场工具、社区参与和环境服务都得到了应用。

    Market-based instruments , community participation , environmental services should be adopted to further promote sustainable forest resource management in Asia .

  20. 图1中的图表已经过简化,没有显示诸如登录和即时消息传送之类的环境服务。

    The diagram in Figure 1 is simplified and does not show " environmental " services such as login and instant messaging .

  21. 环境服务业是新兴的朝阳产业,其发展不仅有利于促进环境保护事业,也有利于培育新的国际竞争优势。

    Environmental service industry is a new and promising industry . Its development can promote environment protection and create new competitive advantages in China .

  22. 普格利奥先生坚持保留其在威利雅集团的职位。威利雅是一家环境服务公司,他在那儿已经度过了大部分职业生涯。

    Mr Proglio has insisted on keeping a role at Veolia Environnement , an environmental-services company where he had spent most of his career .

  23. 但由于环境服务贸易本身所具有的资本、技术密集型等特点,发展中国家在此领域长期处于悬殊的贸易逆差状态。

    However , as trade in services itself with the capital-and technology-intensive characteristics , the developing countries in this field are suffering from great trade deficit .

  24. 这篇社论说,一个解决方法是使用环境服务的观念,即衡量沿海湿地等生态系统提供的收益的经济价值。

    One solution is to use the'environmental services'idea of putting economic values on the benefits provided by ecosystems such as coastal wetlands , says the editorial .

  25. 而森林的可持续经营强调通过对森林生态系统的有效经营管理,为社会经济发展提供多种物质产品和环境服务功能。

    By means of managing forest ecosystem effectively , sustainable forest management emphasizes that forest ecosystem provides varied material products and environment services for social and economical development .

  26. 有关盐渍化对土壤生态环境服务功能的损害,目前还没有进行经济评估.但这方面的工作应该予以考虑。

    The damage of soil salinization to service function of soil eco-environment is severe but its economic loss is not assessed yet . The work on this aspect should be considered .

  27. 推进我国环境服务业发展的思路论述中国环境服务业的发展现状,通过数据说明中国环境服务业既不能满足国内需求更不能参与世界竞争。

    With the discussion about development state of environmental service industry in China , it put forward that the environmental service industry in China did neither meet the national demand nor international demand .

  28. 已经有一些证据表明,发达国家或地区通过贸易从其它地方进口自然资源和环境服务,从而导致资源从发展中国家向发达国家转移,而污染则从发达国家向发展中国家转移。

    Some evidences have showed that developed countries or regions import natural resources and environmental services which results in resources transfer from developing countries to developed ones while pollutants flow in the reverse direction .

  29. 环保产业涵盖了环保设备(产品)生产与经营,资源综合利用和环境服务三大主题,现在已经成为世界许多国家新的经济增长点。

    Environment protection industries include produce and management of environment protection production , resource synthesis utilization and environment service , which now has been the new increase point of economy development in many countries .

  30. 综述和比较了国内外森林绿色核算中的环境服务估价方法。指出:森林环境服务实际上是指森林的间接效益,主要包括森林生态效益和社会效益。

    Based on the summary of the evaluation of environmental services in green accounting for forest in domestic and foreign , this paper indicates that the environmental services for forest is actually indirect benefits , which includes ecological benefits and social benefits .