
pénɡ you quān
  • circle of friends
  1. Degifting指在家庭范围或朋友圈内约定过节期间不用互赠礼物,简称过节“免礼”。

    Degifting is a mutual1 agreement to suspend holiday gifts , usually within a single family or circle of friends .

  2. 中国的“朋友圈”越来越大,我们的好朋友、好伙伴越来越多。

    So , one can say that China 's circle of friends and partners has widened , and will continue to expand .

  3. B:哈哈,你在朋友圈看到我的照片了!

    B : Haha , you saw my pictures in the friend circle !

  4. 她拍了很多照片以便把它们发到朋友圈里。

    She took a lot of pictures in order to post them into her friend circle .

  5. 她用自己的新智能手机拍照,总是在朋友圈里分享自己的照片,表达自己有多开心,结果经常出些岔子。

    She took photos with her new smart phone and always shared her photos in her friend circle to express how happy she was , As a result , she often did something by mistake .

  6. 这种行为会使人产生极度的孤独感,以及“脱网恐惧感”等病态症状。Onlineness是online和loneliness的合成词,指上网上得太多,随时看手机刷微博刷朋友圈,可是却越来越孤独。

    Onlineness may lead to acute loneliness and pathological syndromes2 such as extralineaphobia .

  7. Sympathyseeker指有人在微博、微信朋友圈或者脸书等社交媒体上发布的纯粹为了获取圈里朋友安慰的那种个人状态,即“求安慰帖”。

    Sympathy seeker refers to someone 's status updates on social networking sites like Weibo , WeChat Moments or Facebook that are solely .

  8. “朋友圈推广”是营销者推广品牌的最新伎俩。

    Friendvertising ' is the latest trick by marketers who want you to sell their brand .

  9. “朋友圈营销”是借助社交网站上的“好友”来散播产品的视频广告。

    Friendvertising is the use of social media website ' friends ' to disseminate1 video adverts2 for products .

  10. 如果你还有某人的微信消息放着没回复,不要在回复前发朋友圈。

    If you left someone 's messages unanswered , don 't post anything new on Moments before you answer them .

  11. 真那么想用那张合照的话,就用成朋友圈封面。

    If you really want to use that photo , use it as the cover for your personal home page .

  12. 太过私人的东西别发朋友圈,别人不一定想知道那么多。

    Don 't post things that are too private on Moments . People may not want to know that much about you .

  13. “盲目点赞党”指在你所有的微博和朋友圈帖文点赞,却并未真正读过博文内容的人。

    Blind liker refers to someone who " likes " all your posts on Weibo or WeChat Moments without even reading them .

  14. 比如,你有个项目报告要写,可是你却在刷微博、更新朋友圈、在平板上看韩剧。

    For instance , you have a project report to finish , but you are checking Weibo , updating WeChat Moments , and watching South Korean dramas on tablet .

  15. 不要连续点赞别人的一堆朋友圈,别人会觉得你在例行公事。

    Don 't give a thumbs-up to a bunch of someone 's posts in a row . It makes people feel like you 're just doing it as a routine .

  16. 关于这个主题,我想要么我品味很差,要么是个笑话,还是朋友圈都get不到意思的那种。

    Considering the subject matter , I think that 's either in poor taste - or a joke that is easily lost on my social media friends .

  17. 人们通过Facebook朋友圈和电邮保持友谊,而非迷幻舞蹈。

    Friendships are maintained by Facebook circles and emails , not trance dances .

  18. 第二,我告诉Emma不要高估自己的朋友圈。

    Second , I told Emma that the urban tribe is overrated .

  19. 借助谷歌(Google)搜索他们,登录商务社交网站LikedIn上面寻找他们,或者看看从专业组织或共同的朋友圈里能否找到他们的联络方式。

    Google them , look them up on LinkedIn , or see if professional associations or mutual acquaintances have any information on how to reach them .

  20. 腾讯先推出了微信朋友圈,Facebook才增加Messenger功能和以220亿美元收购WhatsApp。

    Tencent 's Moments feed on WeChat prefaced Facebook 's addition of Messenger and the $ 22bn acquisition of WhatsApp .

  21. 瑞银(UBS)估计,微信朋友圈的广告量与非广告内容的比率大约是1%,而Facebook的这一比例是7%-10%,这让微信有了很大的增长空间。

    UBS estimates WeChat Moments " ad load at about 1 per cent of non-advertising content , compared with 7-10 per cent for Facebook , leaving big scope for growth .

  22. 它目前限制每位用户每天最多发一条广告,而不是在朋友圈用广告狂轰滥炸,从而像Facebook那样遭受抵制。

    Rather than blitz Moments with ads and risk the sort of backlash dished out to Facebook , Tencent has restricted itself for now to a maximum of one ad per user each day .

  23. 爱德华·韦克林(EdwardWakeling)是道奇森的传记作家,他在搜集了23353份文件后,写出了即将出版的《刘易斯·卡罗尔:他和他的朋友圈》(LewisCarroll:TheManandHisCircle,I.B.Tauris)一书。

    Edward Wakeling , a Dodgson biographer , drew on his own collection of 23,353 documents for his forthcoming book Lewis Carroll : The Man and His Circle ( I. B. Tauris ) .

  24. 另外还有一个名叫朋友圈的功能,用户通过它可以将相册公开分享给好友群,跟照片分享应用Instagram很像。

    It also has a function called Moments that allows users to share photo albums publicly with groups of contacts , much like photo-sharing application Instagram .

  25. 爱德华·韦克林(EdwardWakeling)是道奇森的传记作家,他在搜集了23353份文件后,写出了即将出版的《刘易斯·卡罗尔:他和他的朋友圈》(LewisCarroll:TheManandHisCircle,I.B.Tauris)一书。

    Edward Wakeling , a Dodgson biographer , drew on his own collection of 23353 documents for his forthcoming book " Lewis Carroll : The Man and His Circle " ( I. B. Tauris ) .

  26. 京晶:我已经发了,你可以看我的朋友圈。

    I already posted it . You can check my moments .

  27. 为什么不见你在朋友圈里晒一晒呢?

    Why didn 't you post anything about it on WeChat ?

  28. 她的朋友圈既有单身女性,也有已婚女性。

    Her circle of friends includes both single and married women .

  29. 加入团体的话,你会扩大朋友圈。

    You will expand your circle of friends if you join groups .

  30. 女生在她们的女性朋友圈里是保不住秘密的。

    Girls cannot keep a secret among their girl friends .