
  • 网络Punk Style
  1. 他在定制款夹克衫上运用了朋克风格的背带(punkharnessing)以及小巧优雅的设计理念,显得时尚味十足。

    It had a fashion attitude in its use of punk harnessing , and neat ideas in its tailored blousons .

  2. AbbeyDawn品牌沿袭了艾薇儿一贯的朋克风格,皮革、怪异的配饰、提格布再配上粉红色。

    Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne features her usual punk look with plenty of hot pinks mixed with leather , quirky accessories and checks .

  3. 年轻女孩常在网上张贴自己撅嘴和PS过的大眼睛卡通式照片。照片上他们戴着厚厚的眼镜,身着日韩系哥特或者朋克风格的性感衣服。

    Young women often post cartoon-like pictures of themselves with pursed lips , Photoshop-enlarged eyes while wearing chunky glasses , sexy Goth and punk styles borrowed from Japan and Korea .

  4. 里面藏着一个蒸汽朋克风格的幻想世界,调酒师们会用陈年朗姆、柑橘和苦酒调出一杯杯的DesdeCubaConAmor(120比索),它们真的会冒烟。

    Inside is a steampunk fantasyland , with bartenders who mix drinks like the Desde Cuba Con Amor ( 120 pesos ) , a combination of aged rum , citrus and bitters that is literally smoking .

  5. 蒸汽朋克风格,水族类,或者是有上千年历史的废铜烂铁。

    Or make it steam-punk , or aquatic , or turn it into a thousand-year-old rusted wreck .

  6. 华丽的长发?温文尔雅且非常时尚?还是甜美的短发?朋克风格?

    Long and luxurious , suave and styled , short and sweet , spiked like a punk ?

  7. 过去数十年来,形形色色的年轻乐队纷纷效仿他们的朋克风格,如此看来,这支乐队在榜单中位居第五,实乃理所应当。

    Their punk style has been copied by various younger bands in the past decades , which gives this band a well-deserved fifth place .

  8. 这里的说唱乐以东海岸风格为主,略带一丝亚特兰大蒸汽朋克风格,和美国一样,乐手们经常在大学区附近表演,歌词中往往带点政治色彩。

    Based largely on East Coast styles with a bit of Atlanta steampunk thrown in , crews perform often near the university district and , as in the United States , can take on a political edge .

  9. 综合了摇滚、说唱、放克、金属、朋克等风格,乐队在1992年打榜前就拥有了一批歌迷。

    By mixing rock , hip hop , funk , metal and punk , the Chili Peppers amassed a following of fans before hitting it big in1992 .

  10. 它既有二十世纪六十年代女孩组合的音乐风格又有朋克摇滚的音乐风格。

    It is a combination of 1960s girl group music and punk rock .