
tào qún
  • Dress;overskirt;petticoat
套裙 [tào qún]
  • (1) [overskirt]∶穿在另一条裙子外面的裙子;亦指褶起来显示衬裙、里裙的罩裙

  • (2) [petticoat]∶从前妇女和小儿外面穿的裙子,通常成为裙衫的一部分

套裙[tào qún]
  1. 她站在那儿,风把套裙吹得紧紧裹在身上。

    She stood there , the wind moulding the dress around her .

  2. 她没有其他适合这种场合穿的套裙。

    She had no other dress suitable for the occasion

  3. 之后是更为鲜艳的爱丽丝&奥利维亚(Alice&Olivia)几何图案套裙;

    which was followed by an even brighter geometric Alice & Olivia shell and matching skirt ;

  4. 当LadyGaga身着看似由生肉制成的套裙、靴子、帽子,拎着手袋登上美国MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖台时,她立即全场的焦点。

    Lady Gaga dramatically won the attention of the MTV Video Music Awards when she took to the stage in a matching dress , boots , hat and purse apparently made from raw meat .

  5. 为什么我非得穿裙子或套裙呢?

    Why should I wear a skirt ? Or a dress ?

  6. 在各种正式的商务交往之中,一般以穿套裙为好。

    Wear dress for the general good in all official contacts .

  7. 举例:她的套裙很具有法国特色,很时髦。

    Example : her gown was very French and very chic .

  8. 你选好参加聚会穿的套裙了吗?

    Have you picked out a dress for the party ?

  9. 这是因为新娘通常会穿着白色的套裙。

    This is because the bride will usually wear a white dress .

  10. 白色套裙象征纯洁,但这并非是一个悠久的传统。

    The white dress symbolizes purity but it is not an old tradition .

  11. 如果是去上班,白色的衬衣外穿上黑色的套裙。

    Wear your white shirt under a classic little black dress to work .

  12. 他发觉她那件宽松的套裙很性感。

    He found her loose dress erotically appealing .

  13. 我对那件套裙有兴趣,但它的价格太高了。

    I am interested in that dress , but the price is too high .

  14. 印花蕾丝看上去精美复杂,用于套裙效果非常好。

    Printed lace looks fine and intricate , and works well on a dress .

  15. 任何百货商店都有现成供应的一件套裙。

    A dress which could have come off the peg at any department store .

  16. 只需轻松几个步骤,你的旧款T恤就能摇身一变成为性感套裙!

    Only in a few steps , your old T-shirt into a new sexy dress !

  17. 她时常穿套裙吗?

    Does she wear mostly skirt suits ?

  18. 作为女士,记得穿夹克、裤子、或是西装套裙。

    Women should avoid wearing a dress but stick to a jacket and skirt or trousers .

  19. 秒杀全场的套装或套裙

    A killer suit or dress

  20. 裤子和裤子挂在一起,套裙和套裙挂在一起,以此类推。还可以根据颜色分类。

    Hang pants with pants , dress shirts with dress shirts , etc. Also sort according to color .

  21. 套裙上的针织物增添了女性气息,而且增加了额外的元素。

    The crochet detailing on the dress adds femininity to the dress and gives it an extra element ;

  22. 搭配黑色的套裙,衣领和袖子上有华丽的白色细节装饰。

    She teamed the shoes with a black dress with gorgeous white crochet detailing around the neckline and on the sleeves .

  23. 在上周的一档节目《杰•雷诺今夜脱口秀》上,她穿的那套套裙来自J.Crew.连锁店。

    For " The Tonight Show with Jay Leno " last week , she donned an outfit from chain store J.Crew .

  24. 我一扭头,原来妻子的目光穿透那扇时装店的玻璃门,停在了一套非常漂亮的高级套裙上。

    I turned round and saw her staring through the glass door of a fashion parlor at a very elegant high-class skirt .

  25. 帽套和膝盖下的套裙长度都不那么暴露,比较适合求职面试。

    the cap sleeves and the below-the-knee length of the dress make it very respectable for a job interview as it 's not too revealing !

  26. 71岁的怀特海德夫人还穿了一条与女王着装颜色很相近的绿色套裙,很显然撞了色,差点遭到皇室的反对。

    Dame Whitehead , 71 , had already risked royal disapproval by wearing a green ensemble similar to the Queen 's - which actually appeared to clash .

  27. 受到夏威夷和艾尔维斯·普莱斯利(猫王)的启发,他们大量使用花哨的夏威夷印染,这体现在从靴子和长筒袜到超短性感套裙的各类服饰上。

    Inspired by Hawaii and Elvis Presley , they presented a plethora of loud Hawaiian prints on everything from boots and stockings to short , short sexy dresses .

  28. 例如,一年内有一件正式的套裙,未来两年内有一辆自己的私家车或是五年内拥有自己的房子。

    For example , you plan to have a formal dress in one year , to own a car in two years'time or to buy an apartment in five years .

  29. 这位冒犯女王的观众就是女王自己的侍女霍恩·安娜贝尔·怀特海德,而且更糟糕的是,她穿的绿色套裙与女王的着装颜色非常相近。

    The offending spectator was her own lady-in-waiting , the Hon Annabel Whitehead , who made matters worse by having chosen a very similar shade of green in which to dress .

  30. 例如对信息技术人员来说,就是要穿得比较随意,而对销售人员来说就是要穿正式的套装了,而律师就要穿相匹配的专业套裙。

    For information technology professionals , this may mean corporate casual ( more on this below ), for pharmeceutical sales it may mean a pantsuit , for a lawyer it may mean a matched skirt suit .