
  • 网络What about the students;student cloth
  1. 印孚瑟斯为什么现在招聘这么多MBA学生呢?

    Why is Infosys hiring so many MBA students right now ?

  2. 为什么公立教育没有充分教好它的学生呢?

    Why is public education failing to teach its pupils adequately ?

  3. 那些对自己的性别有疑问的学生呢?

    What about students who are simply questioning their gender ?

  4. 那我的学生呢?-坎贝尔老师接了你的班。

    What about my students ? - miss Campbell took over your class .

  5. 我当时真的是心里甜透了,好可爱的学生呢!

    ChristineSay you 'll love me ev'ry waking moment ;

  6. 有没有住在那么远地方的学生呢?

    Is there any student live that far away ?

  7. 这些学生呢,就是你所谓的“重”?

    And these kids ? Are they your priorities ?

  8. 谁是我们班里最优秀的学生呢?

    Who is the best student in our class ?

  9. 你会选谁作年度最有潜力的学生呢?

    Who would you single out as the most promising student of the year ?

  10. 我还以为您在叫下一位学生呢。

    I thought you called the next student .

  11. 就算是我提到他的名字了吧,那么谁是第三个学生呢?

    PABLO : If I mentioned his name , then who did I say was3rd ?

  12. 如何教育管理好这部分学生呢?亲情&人性化教育管理是一条有效途径。

    Humanity education management is one of the measures to educate the crowd of students well .

  13. 我有27个奇怪的学生呢

    I have 27 strange kids

  14. 谁是学生呢?

    Who is the student ?

  15. 听上去不错,但是谁会要一个有前科,无推荐,还有暴力史的高中辍学生呢

    Sounds good . Know anyone who 's hiring high school dropouts with a couple of priors , no references and a history of violence ?

  16. 为什么不把这些集装箱再用作学生公寓呢?

    Why not reuse these shipping containers as student apartment ?

  17. 从某种程度上讲,亚马逊推出类似iPhone版Kindle那样的桌面客户端是不是更方便学生使用呢?

    In some ways , wouldn 't it be more advantageous for students if Amazon and its partners released a Kindle for the Desktop similar to the Kindle for an iPhone app ?

  18. 那你何不申请学生贷款呢?

    Why don 't you apply for a student loanthen ?

  19. 究竟需要办理什么样的学生签证呢?

    What type of student visa do I need ?

  20. 谁站在学生中间呢?

    Who is standing among the students ?

  21. 这怎么能不让有自尊的学生反抗呢?

    What self-respecting student wouldn 't protest ?

  22. 是什么导致了这种情况的发生,教师的原因还是学生原因呢?

    What has caused this situation , is it because of the teacher 's responsibility or only the students'responsibility ?

  23. 我花了一些时间查找答案和思考,该如何把这个原因讲给学生听呢。

    I spent some time in researching the answer and thinking how to explain the reason to the students .

  24. 高校扩招后,大学新生所面临的情况日趋复杂,新生班主任如何才能有效地开展新生的学生工作呢?

    After high school expands to recruit , circumstances that freshmen face are gradually complicated , how does freshmen " s master availably work for freshmen " s student work ?

  25. 你为什么单单要拿这个班的学生做试验呢?

    Why are you experimenting upon the students in this particular class ?

  26. 那到底为什么数学会让许多学生觉得无所适从呢?

    Why is math so overwhelming for so many students ?

  27. 那么,学校能对犯困的学生做什么呢?

    So what can schools do about sleepy students ?

  28. 什么使他与其他学生不一样呢?

    What makes him different from the other students ?

  29. 然而如何提高学生的素质呢?

    But how to improve their qualities ?

  30. 将在未来几年毕业的学生前景如何呢?

    What are the prospects for those who will graduate in the next few years ?