
  • 网络school milk
  1. 基于GPRS的学生奶自助服务系统

    School Milk Self-service System Based on GPRS

  2. 学生奶安全质量控制体系应用研究

    Application of HACCP Methodology to Establish Safety Qualification Control System on School Milk

  3. 强制推行HACCP安全质量控制体系,全面提升学生奶的质量安全已经成为顺利推广学生奶计划的必由之路。

    Compulsive implementation of the HACCP quality control system and all-round improvement of quality safety have become the indispensable way to smoothly generalize the National School Milk Programme .

  4. 质疑学生奶再论教育的社会属性&兼对教育非上层建筑说的质疑

    The meaning of student milk On Social Attribute of Education

  5. 学生奶安全现状及对策

    The Safety Situation and Its Strategy of Student Milk

  6. 系列化学生奶技术研究

    Technique study on a series of student milk products

  7. 饮用学生奶对学生健康作用的调查

    Research for the effect on the students ' health drinking " school milk "

  8. 学生奶质量安全是当前全社会关注的焦点。

    The safety quality of the school-milk is currently the focus of the whole society .

  9. 目的:配合中国学生奶计划在新疆的开展,研究学生饮用奶对中小学生营养状况的改善作用。

    Objective : To study the effect of student in drinking milk on the nutritional status of the middle primary school students .

  10. 据了解,“小贝壳”校园安全大行动是由中国关心下一代工作委员会公益文化中心以及蒙牛学生奶共同推广的一项公益行动。

    It is understood that the " small shell " Campus Safety Campaign is the Next Generation Committee of the Chinese Community Cultural Centre and Mengniu milk to jointly promote a student of public action .

  11. HACCP在学生饮用奶生产中的应用

    HACCP Study on Production of Student Milk

  12. 推广学生饮用奶计划;

    Extend the " the plan of the students drinking mild ";

  13. 实施“学生饮用奶计划”的新进展和新设想

    Progress and new concept on implementation of " school milk plan "

  14. 低乳糖学生营养奶的研制

    Research of Students ' Low - Lactose Nutritional Milk

  15. 实践证明,该管理系统为保证学生饮用奶的安全与品质提供了科学的管理方法,具有很高的实用价值。

    It is much more value that the HACCP assure health and quality of school milk .

  16. 可以放心饮用的奶&学生饮用奶

    Drink School Milk at Ease

  17. 学生营养奶系以新鲜牛奶为原料,派用适量白糖,强化适量人体必需微量元素和维生素。

    School Nutirious Milk is made of fresh raw milk , with addition of sugar andfortified human essential trace element and vitamins .

  18. 以大豆为主要原料,加工制作新型学生复合营养奶,对其稳定性进行研究。

    The objective of this study was to investigate the stability of a novel nutritious soy-based compound milk designed specially for students .