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tào suǒ
  • lasso;noose;lariat;hackamore
套索 [tào suǒ]
  • [lasso;noose] 带套的绳索

套索[tào suǒ]
  1. 利用基于边缘先验知识的套索模型对目标区域进行初始化,通过改进的Snake算法准确分割目标器官。

    Using the lasso model based on the edge priori knowledge information to initialize the target area . Obtaining an accurate soft tissue organ by an improved snake algorithm .

  2. 开始用套索工具,制作轮廓。

    Started with the lasso tool , for playing with silhouettes .

  3. 债务就像套在他脖子上的一条套索。

    His debts were a noose around his neck .

  4. 牛仔们有的赶着大篷车,有的骑着马,抛套索捕牛。

    Cowboys drove covered wagons and rode horses , lassoing cattle .

  5. 经常被国人称为“套索诗人”的威尔·罗杰斯可不只会玩绳子。

    Will Rogers , often referred to as the nation 's Poet Lariat about only rope tricks .

  6. 方法应用RT-PCR方法,研究钩状纤维和套索纤维中M2、M3的分布与表达。

    Methods RT-PCR was used to examine the expression of M2 and M3 in clasp fibers and sling fibers .

  7. EFS还诱导部分套索纤维产生收缩反应。

    EFS induces contraction response in some sling fibers .

  8. 含NS和NNSS供电子原子的钌(Ⅱ)羰基配合物(英文)含硫套索冠醚的合成

    Ruthenium (ⅱ) Carbonyl Complexes Containing NS and NNSS Donor Atoms

  9. 我继续用Lasso(套索)工具并用曲线调整每一个区域。

    I continued using the Lasso tool and applying curves to adjust each area ( Fig.41 ) .

  10. 结论在钩状纤维、套索纤维中,存在丰富的M2、M3,同时与M3相比,M2处于优势。

    Conclusion The expression level of M2 and M3 is high in clasp fibers and sling fibers . M2 plays a more important role than M3 in physiological function .

  11. 目的探讨一氧化氮在人食管下括约肌(LES)舒张中的作用,比较其对钩状纤维和套索纤维的不同作用。

    Objective To explore the mechanism of relaxation mediated by nitric oxide on the human lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ), and compare the difference in relaxation response between clasp fibers and sling fibers .

  12. 而且更为重要的是,构成LES的套索纤维和钩状纤维在诸多方面也存在着很大的差异性。

    These studies have suggested that the muscular system of the LES has different characteristics compared with other smooth muscular structures , and the most important is that the sling fibers and clasp fibers forming the LES varied significantly in many aspects .

  13. 他应该把套索带回去了。

    He 's supposed to be headed back with the noose .

  14. 套索回归对于多元共线性、异方差性没有严格的要求,实用范围更广。

    Lasso regression is not strict requirements for multi-collinearity , heteroscedasticity .

  15. 小牛要用套索套住,用绳子捆得结结实实。

    The calves would have to be lassoed and roped up .

  16. 套索是牛仔专门用来捕捉牛和马的。

    Lassos are used particularly by cowboys to catch cattle and horses .

  17. 捕捉鸟类或小哺乳动物的捕捉机;通常有一个套索。

    A trap for birds or small mammals ; often has a noose .

  18. 使用多边形套索工具将面膜部分选中。

    Use the necessary instrument Polygonal Lasso Tool to outline the mask contour .

  19. 这套索要挂脖子上可真痛苦。

    That noose was a pain in the neck .

  20. 套索冠醚固定相的性能和分离机理研究

    Studies on the Feature and Separation Mechanism of Catenary Crown Ether Stationary Phase

  21. 新型N-支套索冠醚的设计合成、仿酶催化氧化和选择变色作用

    Synthesis , Biomimetic Catalytic Oxidation and Selective Coloration of Novel N-Pivot Lariat Ethers

  22. 套索套住了他的一只耳朵。

    The lariat hitched on one of his ears .

  23. 他们在鸟的脖子上松松的系一条套索

    they tie a noose , loosely around the neck

  24. 使用多边形套索工具沿着眼角线条将云彩选择并裁剪。

    Cut it out along the eye 's line with Polygonal Lasso Tool .

  25. 拉拢生活大爆炸第4季第11集同时装备上防弹手链和真理套索。

    Complete with bulletproof bracelets and Lasso of Truth .

  26. 套索的使用可追溯到古埃及

    The lasso dates back to the ancient Egyptians .

  27. 套索冠醚固定相的气相色谱研究

    Studies on a New Catenary Crown Ether as the Stationary Phase for Gas Chromatography

  28. 你的体重会让你脖子的套索变紧

    and then the weight is going to tighten the noose around your neck .

  29. 联邦检察官司们表示他们正积极的调查几起套索事件,并可能进行起诉。

    Federal prosecutors say they are actively investigating several noose incidents for possible prosecution .

  30. 而且,我真的没有得到这个杯子套索点?

    And , I really don 't get the point of this cup lasso ?