
  1. 对日圆来说不幸的是,它作为融资套利交易借入货币而遭遇的无情卖盘一定程度上导致日圆处于疲弱地位。

    Unfortunately for the yen , the relentless selling pressure generated by those using the yen as a funding currency helped keep Japan 's currency feeble .

  2. 当时进行套利交易的货币主要是日元,因为当时日元的利率很低,有很多套利交易的标的是澳大利亚元和新西兰元。

    The then carry trade uses yen mainly , for the Japanese interest rate was very low at that time , and often targets the Australian dollar or New Zealand dollar . So , the question here is whoever was conducting carry trade ?

  3. 套利交易者借入低息货币,买入收益率较高的币种。

    A carry trader borrows in a low-yielding currency to buy in a higher yielding one .

  4. 如此一来,作为进行套利交易的融资货币,欧元在投资者眼中将更具吸引力。

    As such , it could become more attractive to investors as a funding currency for the carry trade .