
tào céng
  • jacket layer;mantle layer
套层[tào céng]
  1. 一是通过冷却水均匀流过夹套层将干燥室内壁降温,减少物料粘壁。

    The inner wall of a drying chamber can be cooled by the way that the cooling water uniformly flows through a jacket layer to decrease wall sticking of materials .

  2. 胚胎发育早期脊髓脑室带、套层、缘层均可检测到nestin阳性细胞。

    At the early embryonic stages , nestin-positive cells were densely distributed in the ventricular zone ( VZ ), the mantle layer and marginal layer .

  3. 用非子午面光线追迹法,对单芯锥、套层锥以及双芯锥光纤和DH激光器的耦合效率,双芯锥的分光比做了数值计算。

    The efficiency of coupling between DH lasers and tapered launchers with singlecore , clad-core and double core has been calculated by using skew ray tracing technique .

  4. 分析了影响松套层绞式ADSS光缆结构设计的诸要素,探讨光缆结构设计方法,并给出了光缆的设计实例。

    This paper explores the construction design of loose tube layer stranded ADSS cables by analysing the affecting factors and gives example for cable design .

  5. 发育过程中NT-3及其受体在室管膜层-套层-边缘层3条带上呈现不同程度的免疫阳性反应。

    During the embryonic development , NT-3 and TrkC showed a positive immune reaction to a greater or less extent in ependymal zone mantle zone marginal zone .

  6. 一类奇摄动套层问题的三重尺度解

    A Three time scale Solution for the Singular Perturbation Cover Layer Problem

  7. 本研究结果提示,在胚胎发育晚期的脊髓套层内存在着具有增殖活性的神经祖细胞,它们可能是脊髓神经细胞产生的另外的来源。

    These neural progenitors might be another source of the spinal neuron production .

  8. 松套层绞式微型光缆的研究与开发

    Development of Micro Cable with Multiple Loose Tube Structure

  9. 具有转向点的某类高阶椭圆型方程解的套层现象

    The Cover Layer Phenomenon of Solution for Higher Order Elliptic Equation with Turning Points

  10. 氚增殖材料是核聚变包套层功能材料中重要的组成部分。

    Tritium breeder materials are the key component of the nuclear fusion blanket functional materials .

  11. 另外可见较多凋亡神经元从神经上皮层经神经上皮层与套层交界处到套层呈迁移趋势。

    In addition , migration of neuronal apoptosis could be observed from neuroepithelial layer to mantle layer .

  12. 葡西油田两套层系合采井的合理泵挂深度

    Determination of pump setting depth for commingled production wells in the reservoir with two heterogeneous layer system

  13. 第6天脊髓呈卵圆形,中央管呈窄而长的梭形,套层明显。

    At 6th day , the spinal cord was ellipse-shaped , and the central canal , narrow and long shuttle-shaped .

  14. 深层低渗透多油层砂岩油田受经济产量的限制,一般采用1套层系笼统合采。

    Deep , low permeability and multiple-layered sandstone oil fields generally use commingled producing system , due to restrictions in their economic production .

  15. 结果采用屏蔽暂堵技术来改造钻井液,以满足钻井液保护多套层系的要求;

    Result Screening and plugging technique is used to improve drilling fluid so as to satisfy the needs of protecting multilayer formations with drilling fluids .

  16. 通过分析乐安油田草31断块气顶砂岩普通稠油油藏地质背景和三角洲沉积特点,将Es311-2两个小层作为一套层系开发。

    Through analyzing the geologic background of gas-cap sandstone heavy-oil reservoir and sedimentary feature of the delta , combined with single-well production test in Block Cao .

  17. 而且各套层系间含水差异只有3-4个百分点,油田开发面临着高含水、高采出程度、高递减的三高局面。

    Further more the difference of every layer is only three or four percent , so the oil-field is facing " three high " situation , that is high water cut , high output extent and high degression .

  18. 对含双参数且有套层解的一类三阶非线性微分方程的边值问题的渐近解做了估计,得到了任意次近似的一致有效的渐近展开式。

    An asymptotic solution of boundary value problems for a class of third order nonlinear differential equations both involving two parameters and jacketed layer is estimated . In addition , the uniformly valid asymptotic expansion of solution of any orders is obtained .

  19. 本文介绍了大庆多层砂岩油田、多套层系开发条件下,油田高含水后期(含水大于80%)确定储量动用状况的一种新的剩余油描述方法。

    This paper introduces a new residual oil description method for determining reserve producing situation of multi-layer sandstone reservoir in Daqing Oilfield at late period of high water cut stage ( water cut higher than 80 % ) and under the production condition of multi-production series .

  20. 套3层纸袋果实生长速度最慢,平均每15d果实体积增加量为31.6ml;

    Fruits bagged in three-layer paper bag grew most slowly and the volume increases by 31.6 ml per 15 days on average .

  21. 嫩二标志层是一套化石层组合,2.5m视电阻率曲线的6个特征尖峰与地层化石含量密切相关。

    The N_2 marker bed is a set of fossil assembly . The six peaks of 2.5 meters apparent resistivity is closely related to fossil quantity .

  22. 速度随方位角变化法(VVA)比较稳定,但只能识别大套储层,对于识别薄储层的分辨率不够。

    VVA ( Velocity Variation with Azimuth ) is stable but only can identity a large suite of reservoir and has inaccurate resolution for identifying thin reservoir .

  23. 红岗构造多套新层系的重新评价与补充勘探

    Reevaluation and Supplementary Exploration of Several New Formations of Honggang Structure

  24. 该套储层经历的主要建设性成岩作用是表生期溶蚀作用。

    The chiefly constructive diagenesis of this is supergene corrosion effect .

  25. 复杂地层多套压力层系尾管完井固井新工艺

    New Cementing and Completion Techniques with Liners under Plural Pressure Systems

  26. 油气微生物勘探成果所反映的是油气藏平面分布规律,对于多套储层则反映的是叠加效果。

    It reflects the superposition results for the reservoir with several sets .

  27. 该研究形成了一套浅层气滚动勘探的综合技术,对浅层气的挖潜具有一定的指导作用。

    This study has developed a set of techniques for progressive exploration of shallow gas .

  28. 在描述三套仓储层的孔隙度和渗透率等物性特征的基础上,初步研究了仓储层的非均质特征;

    By means of the study on porosity and permeability , the heterogeneous was characterized .

  29. 石炭-二叠系、第三系及中生界下侏罗统构成潜山油气藏的3套盖层。

    The cap rocks are the strata of Permo Carboniferous , Tertiary and Lower Jurassic .

  30. 东营组划分为东三段和东二段两套储层15个小层,其属于河流三角洲湖泊沉积体系,本区主要发育河口砂坝、前缘席状砂、前三角洲等微相类型。

    This area mainly developed river mouth bar , delta front sheet sand and prodelta facies .