
  1. 如何防范商品房套内建筑面积缩水?

    How to prevent transmission construction area of commercial housing stock ?

  2. 名词解释:什么才是商品房“套内建筑面积”?

    Series : What is commercial housing " comprising construction area "?

  3. 商品房屋套内建筑面积和分摊面积的计算关系着人民群众的实际利益。

    The exact computing of house architectural area and apportionment of area is strongly related to the actual interests of people .

  4. 该系统可自动计算各楼层套内建筑面积和分摊面积,打印相关数据和图形,自动生成规范化了的房测计算报告书。

    The developed system can automatically compute house architectural area and apportionment of area for each floor of each building and can print the related data report and drawing .