
kōnɡ tiáo shè bèi
  • air conditioning equipment
  1. 这是一辆附有空调设备和电话的豪华轿车。

    This is a luxurious car complete with air conditioning and telephone .

  2. 我们的空调设备坏了。

    Our air conditioning has broken down .

  3. 这辆汽车的附件中包括空调设备。

    The car includes air-conditioning among its options .

  4. 基于Web的空调设备远程监测与故障诊断技术研究

    Development of Web-Based Remote Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Technology for Air Conditioning Equipment

  5. 应用于空调设备、暖气设备、电子体温计、液位传感、汽车电子、电子台历。基于相位检测的SAW传感器变送电路设计

    It is used to air condition , central heating , clinical thermometer , auto-electron , electronic calender . A surface acoustic wave sensor measurement system based on phase detection

  6. 涤纶长丝FDY侧吹风空调设备改造设计方案探讨

    Approach on FDY Quench Air Condition Equipments for Polyester Fiber Transform Plan

  7. 本文对深圳市有空调设备的电子厂车间空气卫生状况,和对工人健康的影响情况进行了调查。结果表明,空调车间空气中CO2浓度比非空调车间高;

    The air conditioning workplace in electronic industry was evaluated and its effect on worker 's health was investigated : The results showed that CO_2 concentration in air conditioning workplace was shown to be higher than that of non-air conditioning one .

  8. 首先,本文比较系统、全面地分析了HVAC系统存在的噪声源,并对部分空调设备的发声机理进行了简单地说明,同时还阐述了系统噪声在建筑内部的传播。

    First , this paper systematically and entirely analyzes the HVAC-related noise sources , and briefly presents the generating mechanisms of noise in some air-conditioning equipments , and illustrates the propagation of system noise in building interior .

  9. BF-605缓蚀剂用于暖通空调设备的研究

    Study on the preservation of metal equipment by inhibitor BF-605

  10. 本文介绍国外有关R22替代制冷剂使用后引起的某些制冷与空调设备成本变化的情况,以及基于成本因素的替代工质系统优选的新方法。

    Some information about the cost change when the R22 alternative refrigerants used in refrigeration or air-conditioning unit abroad and an effective cost-based method for system optimization have been introduced .

  11. 本研究建立了LTD-VAVFCU之性能检测操作流程,并于空调设备性能实验室在相关标准环境条件下进行性能实验。

    For the research , an operation procedure is set up for the verification to LTD-VAV FCU in an air conditioning function test laboratory , which equipped to accord with relevant regulation standards .

  12. 制冷空调设备能效指标与评价方法新进展

    Energy efficiency and evaluation method development of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipments

  13. 电源、空调设备集中监控系统

    Power supply and ari - condition equipments monitoring and control system

  14. 室内空调设备舒适性自然风模拟研究空调气流组织的研究与节能

    Study on Simulation of Comfortable Natural Wind for Indoor Air Conditioner

  15. 新型军用车辆空调设备

    A new type of air conditioner for use in military vehicles

  16. 气体压缩机的通风的入口或空调设备

    Air Compressor Intakes or Inlets to Ventilating or Air Conditioning Equipment

  17. 汉堡北欧卫生设备,制热,管道设备和空调设备展。

    North European Sanitation , heating , Plumbing and Air-Conditioning Fair .

  18. 制冷空调设备的变频能量调节

    Energy Control in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems with VVVF

  19. 大楼空调设备自控系统的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Automatic Control System of Building Air-Conditioner

  20. 在建筑物内共用部位安装空调设备的;

    Installing air-conditioning equipment in the shared space of buildings ;

  21. 全球冷水机组和大型空调设备发展现状(二)

    World chillers and large AC equipments trends ( 2 )

  22. 谢谢,最好联系有空调设备的饭店。

    Thank you . Would you please contact a hotel with air-conditioning ?

  23. 还有一件事。空调设备有一点问题。

    And another thing , something 's wrong with the air conditioner .

  24. 空调设备与水管之间软连接的选择

    Selection of Non-rigid Joint between Air - conditioning Equipment and Water Ductwork

  25. 建筑中空调设备的噪声振动控制

    Noise and vibration control of air conditioning equipment in buildings

  26. 空调设备噪声测试室的声学设计

    Acoustic design of noise test cabinet for air conditioning equipment

  27. 空气支气管征小型制冷空调设备管道的钎焊工艺

    Soldering technique of pipes in small-size Refrigeration & air - conditioning equipment

  28. 专用空调设备节能运行及延长使用寿命的方法探讨

    Probe into Method of Energy Saving and Extended Life for Special Air Conditioner

  29. 传染病房专用空调设备空调专用循环泵的选择

    AIR-CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT FOR ISOLATION WARD Selection of circulating pumps for air conditioning systems

  30. 非结构化模糊决策方法在空调设备采购中的应用

    Application of the Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Method to the Air Conditioning Equipment Procurement