
  • 网络Small steps;Split Step;Splitstep
  1. 为了配合中国大厨的杰作,我那可爱的妻子特意穿上中国红色旗袍。她迈着小碎步,款款来到饭厅。

    Dressed in a red cheongsam to match the chef 's masterpieces , my lovely wife came with deliberate steps into the dining room .

  2. 左手边,她的指头拂过未完工的粗石表面。她便沿着墙走,手在石面游移,踏着小碎步慢慢穿越黑暗。

    Her fingers brushed against rough unfinished stone to her left . She followed the wall , her hand skimming along the surface , taking small gliding steps through the darkness .