
xiǎo yuè
  • Xiaoyue;miscarriage;a solar month of 30 days;a 29-days month of the lunar calendar
小月 [xiǎo yuè]
  • [a solar month of 30 days] 指阳历一个月三十天或农历一个月二十九天的月份

  • [miscarriage] 小产,流产的通称。也说小月子

小月[xiǎo yuè]
小月[xiǎo yuè]
  1. 小月:广交天下乐友!

    Mini moon : hope to know more music friends !

  2. 我遇上小月前一直不想要孩子。

    Before I met Luna I thought I 'd never have kids .

  3. 小月龄婴儿麻疹发病控制对策探讨

    The study of countermeasures on measles control in infants

  4. 小月她跳了两级呢。

    Moon , though , she skipped two grades .

  5. 小月请他们吃冰淇淋,感谢他们。

    Xiao Yue treats the two brothers with ice cream to show her gratitude .

  6. 我只想见到你和小月,没有别人。

    I 'd prefer just to see you and luna , no one else .

  7. 小月不知道谁是他爸爸。

    Luna doesn 't know her dad .

  8. 不过,有时太勇敢,又爱惹事,也会为小月带来麻烦。

    But sometimes he is too courageous , and loves to cause problems , creating trouble for moon .

  9. 肿块把他的左眼拉扯成一条细缝,嘴巴扭曲成嘴角朝下的小月牙状。

    The mass draws his left eye into a slit , warps his mouth into a small inverted half-moon .

  10. 拥有勇敢而直接的性格,不停鼓励小月勇于面对爱情。

    He has a courageous and direct personality , and continuously encourages moon to be brave in her love .

  11. 他们无意中闯入封存已久的地下室,遇见了猫公主小月。

    One day , they accidentally find their way into the dust-covered cellar of the house and bump into Xiao Yue , the Cat Princess .

  12. 24岁的赵雷(音译)2008年毕业于北京交通大学,专业为计算机,他与另外五个人同住在小月河村一个130平方英尺大的房间内。

    Zhao Lei , a24-year-old computer-science major who graduated in2008 from Beijing Jiaotong University , shares a130-square-foot room with five other people in the village of Xiaoyuehe .

  13. 现在,到永康街的另一侧,向左拐(往北走),去找一家名为“度小月”的饭店(永康街9-1号)。

    Now , cross to the other side of Yongkang Street , turn left ( north ), and look for Tu Hsiao Yueh ( No.9-1 Yongkang St. ) .

  14. 在电影中,姐姐小月和妹妹小梅去医院看望了生病的母亲,而宫崎骏年幼时母亲也曾因患上脊柱结核而卧床不起。

    In the film , sisters Satsuki and Mei visit their ailing mother in hospital , echoing a young Mr Miyazaki who watched his mother recover from a severe case of spinal tuberculosis .

  15. 第三种,部分提前还款,剩余的贷款将每月还款额减少,保持还款期限不变,减小月供负担。

    The3rd kind , the part shifts to an earlier date reimbursement , the rest loan reduces specified number of every months of reimbursement , carry reimbursement term changeless , reduce a month to offer a responsibility .

  16. 这款朴素淡雅的中国版海报将宫崎骏的名字显眼地放在海报的正中央,海报上小月跟着小梅穿越一片高高的“草丛”。

    The Chinese poster , with Miyazaki 's name displayed proudly smack dab in the center , is beautifully understated in its aesthetics , showing Satsuki following Mei through what appears to be a field of tall grass .

  17. 有些人可能对《龙猫》的故事不熟悉,这部动画电影讲述的是小月和小梅两个小姐妹的故事,她们随父亲搬到了乡下的一栋房子里,在探索周围的林地时,她们邂逅了各种大自然的精灵。

    For those who aren 't familiar with the story , " My Neighbor Totoro " focuses on two young sisters , Mei and Satsuki , who move to a countryside home with their father , where they encounter various nature spirits while exploring the surrounding forests and fields .