
chēng yù
  • praise;acclaim;eulogize;sing the praises of;sing the praise
称誉 [chēng yù]
  • [sing the praise;acclaim;eulogize] 称赞;夸赞;称扬

  • 交口称誉

称誉[chēng yù]
  1. 然而,歌队长欧里庇德斯还是不断博得称誉;

    Meanwhile choirmaster Euripides was the object of fulsome praise ;

  2. 我国的名牌商品,深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉。

    Chinese famous-Brand commodities enjoy Chinese and foreign customers ' confidence and praise .

  3. 这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。

    The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching .

  4. 深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉

    Be amply trusted and highly praised By customers at home and aBroad

  5. 这本词典获得了全国的称誉。

    This dictionary gained credit all the country over .

  6. 左权享有民歌海洋的称誉。

    Zuoquan enjoy " Ocean Songs " of praise .

  7. 日本家电深受国外客户的信赖和称誉。

    Japanese domestic appliances have gained a high reputation and is widely trusted abroad .

  8. 我听到了周遭世界称誉,有政治,生育。

    Around me I hear that eclat of the world , politics , produce .

  9. 公司凭借精湛的工艺和良好的商业信誉,博得客户称誉。

    With good commercial reputations and exquisite workmanship , we have earned goodwill from our customers .

  10. 素有衣冠王国称誉的中国,服饰的发展有着悠久的历史。

    China which is called the dress kingdom , has the glorious history of dress culture .

  11. 中国素有礼仪之邦的称誉,礼仪制度由来已久,有非常丰富的内涵和完整的体系,服装文化较为集中地反映出各种礼制礼仪规范。

    The dress etiquette , with a long history in China , has rich meaning and complete system .

  12. 虽然他以他的精明,赢得了包括黎巴嫩和其他广阔地区在内的什叶派和逊尼派的广泛称誉。

    He is widely admired for his shrewdness by both Shias and Sunnis , in Lebanon and the wider region .

  13. 以灵活多样,周到便捷的服务特色称誉中国百余年

    Have enjoyed a high reputation for more than 100 years for its flexible , diversified , considerate and prompt services

  14. 畅销全国各地,产品以“一流的品质、优质的服务、合理的价格”称誉涂料行业。

    Popular throughout the country , products ," first-class quality , quality service and reasonable prices " reputation paint industry .

  15. 该外贸公司高标准、高效率的工作,深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉。

    This foreign trade corporation 's work of high standard and efficiency enjoys Chinese and foreign customers ' confidence and praise .

  16. 它不仅以藏书之珍丰闻名于世,而且以园林构筑之奇妙称誉全国。

    The world-famous library is noted not only for its rich collection of rare books but also for its wonderful architecture .

  17. 公司以一流的服务,精湛的技艺,优良的品质,独创的手笔赢得了世界许多国家和地区用户的称誉。

    With top-class service , consummate skill , excellent quality and unique products Xieyuan won its good reputation all over the world .

  18. 张丽莉老师的英雄事迹感动了许许多多的人,人们称誉她为“最美女教师”。

    Zhang 's act of heroism has moved numerous people . She was even named " most beautiful teacher " by netizens .

  19. 历史悠久、源远流长的中华武术之所以被世人所称誉,就是因为它承载着我们中华民族精神的精髓。

    Wushu has a long history and source , and praised by worldwild people because it bears the essence of Chinese nation spirit .

  20. 力之教授以其对《楚辞》研究实实在在的贡献,鲜明的研究个性,科学的研究方法为学界称誉。

    Professor Li Zhi enjoys good fame in the academic circles of Chuci for his real contribution and distinctive characteristics and scientific methods .

  21. 安徒生童话被介绍进入中国并为中国儿童文学界所称誉、所推崇,有着特定的历史渊源。

    Andersen 's Fairy Tales being introduced to China and appreciated by the children 's literature of China has its particular historical and cultural origin .

  22. 伊朗地处亚洲西部,是该地区的大国,在古代就有着欧亚大陆十字路口的称誉。

    Iran is a great power in the western part of Asia which was called " the Crossroads of the Eurasian Continent " from ancient times .

  23. 受人称誉要能不自满被他欺侮要能不怨尤遭逢失败要能不气馁处事成功要能不骄恣。

    Don 't be smug with praise . don 't whine about humiliation . don 't be discouraged by failure . don 't be arrogant with success .

  24. 七百年前,意大利旅行家马可-波罗曾称誉它是世界上最美丽华贵之城。

    About 700 years ago , Marco Polo , perhaps the most celebrated Italian traveler , called it " the finest and most magnificent city in the World " .

  25. 在卜万苍导演的《玉洁冰清》中,张织云在片内因饰演乡村少女,被人称誉为“悲剧圣手”。

    In Why Not Her ( 1926 ) directed by Bu Wancang , she acted a country girl , for which had her named a " tragic Empress . "

  26. 一种不劳而获的称誉……一种激发出四溢的火花,它释放某些人的过量的活跃力的负担、从痛苦的冷漠状态中唤醒另外一些人的电流。“

    sort of electricity that causes sparks to fly , and that relieves some people of the burden of their excess vivacity and awakens others from a state of painful apathy . "

  27. 埃里希·弗洛姆(1900&1980)曾经被称誉为美国最具影响力和最受欢迎的精神分析学家,同时也是西方弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义流派的主要代表人物。

    Erich Fromm ( 1900-1980 ) was praised as the most influential and popular psychiatrist in America . At the same time , he also was the principal exponent of the genre of Freudianism Marxism .

  28. 虽然由于当时的种种原因,他的这些改革连同政治、经济等方面的改革都归于失败,但他在教育上的革新精神,却多为后人称誉和借鉴。

    Though for various reasons , his reform in politics , economy and so on turned to be a failure , his reform in education is praised and used for reference by the later generations .

  29. 鉴于诸多对此作品的否定的抨击,本篇论文试图证明《魔戒》应当被视为一部主题严肃的现代神话,而不仅仅是一部消遣小说,它理当受到人们所给予它的一切称誉。

    In view of these negative attacks , this thesis intends to prove that The Lord of the Rings should be considered a serious modern mythology rather than an entertainment , and it merited all the praise which had been given to it .

  30. 如果这位艺术家企图改变笔调、舞步、唱腔的话,听众观众就会舍他而去,把那飘忽不定的称誉转移给别人。随后有转移给另一人,这样不停地转来转去。

    If the artist attempts to change his or her style of writing or dancing or singing , etc. , the audience may turn away and look to confer fleeting fickle fame on another and then , in time , on another , and so on and so on .