
chēng hu
  • call;name;address;designation;appellation;style;tag
称呼 [chēng hū]
  • [call;name] 把叫做,称为

  • 我该怎么称呼她

称呼[chēng hu]
  1. 我该怎么称呼她?

    What should I call her ?

  2. 称呼黑人为Negro是不礼貌的。

    It 's impolite to call the black people Negro .

  3. 我们这里所有的人都用教名相互称呼。

    We 're all on Christian name terms here .

  4. 这孩子显然对别人用这种成年人的方式称呼他感到纳闷。

    The child was clearly puzzled at being addressed in such a grown-up way .

  5. 所有雇员相互称呼时都须在名字后添加敬语san(日语表示“先生”,“女士”)。

    All employees will refer to each other by the honorific suffix ' san ' .

  6. 他们有时候对我说我只是个女招待,只不过称呼好听一些罢了。

    Sometimes they tell me I 'm just a glorified waitress

  7. 他用了眼下他最喜欢说的“玩意儿”一词来称呼它。

    He calls it a ' contraption ' , using his favourite word of the moment .

  8. 他是学校里唯一一个被称呼洗礼名而不是姓氏的男孩儿。

    He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname .

  9. 这个词是旧时下对上的称呼。

    This word was used in the old days to address one 's superiors .

  10. 他们总是以教名互相称呼。

    They always addressed each other by their Christian name .

  11. 她对他彬彬有礼的称呼方式感到高兴。

    She was pleased at the courteous ways in which he addressed her .

  12. 布朗小姐,即她婚前的称呼。

    Miss Brown that was before she married .

  13. 工人中最流行的称呼是“师傅”。

    Shifu (" master ") is the most popular form of address among workers .

  14. 我当如何称呼他?

    How am I to address him ?

  15. 之所以这么命名,是因为它呼应了"意大利裔美国人"和"爱尔兰裔美国人"等已经摆脱歧视的群体的称呼。

    This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups , such as " Italian Americans " and " Irish Americans , " that had already been freed of widespread discrimination .

  16. 这也正是为什么伦敦大学金史密斯学院的新任院长(WardenofGoldsmiths)——他们对负责人的称呼,决定采取这一举措。弗朗西斯·科纳教授表示,宣布气候紧急状态不能只是一片空话。

    Prof Frances Corner says declaring a climate emergency cannot be empty words .

  17. MINT,通常称作“薄荷国家”或“薄荷四国”,是对墨西哥、印度尼西亚、尼日利亚和土耳其四个国家的缩略称呼,这个称呼多用于经济领域,将这四个国家定义为影响力逐渐扩大的一个经济组织。

    MINT , often used in the phrase the MINT countries , is an acronym1 of Mexico , Indonesia , Nigeria and Turkey , and is used in financial spheres to characterize these countries as an economic group with growing influence .

  18. 网友评论:你怎么称呼一只没有眼睛的鹿?

    What do you call a deer with no eyes ?

  19. 这个称呼是老箍桶匠快乐到了极点的表示。

    This endearment indicated the highest degree of delight in the old cooper .

  20. 我很自豪可以称呼你为我的妈妈。

    I 'm proud to call you my mother .

  21. 玛利亚称呼马伏里奥为“逢迎取巧者,装腔作势的蠢驴”——因为在《第十二夜》中,马伏里奥过分追求时尚,展现出的是一个做作的傻瓜形象。

    Maria calls Malvolio " a time-pleaser , an affectioned ass idiot in Twelfth Night .

  22. 大兵从头至尾都称呼对手为对“日本鬼子”和“下流的小日本

    Soldiers in various scenes call their enemies " Jap suckers " and " dirty Japs . ”

  23. 古龙水——香水最古老的称呼,指北美男士香水。

    Cologne ( eau de cologne ) – Oldest term for perfume , used in North America for masculine scents .

  24. 方鸿渐要博鲍小姐欢心,便把“黑甜”、“朱古力小姐”那些亲昵的称呼告诉她

    He tried to amuse her by calling her the affectionate nicknames " Dark Sweetie " and " Miss Chocolate . "

  25. 这位《与卡戴珊一家同行》节目的大家长已经正式为momager一词申请注册商标,这个从她们一家成名以来一直与她们同在的称呼终于被她们接受了。

    The Keeping Up with the Kardashians matriarch has just filed legal documents to trademark the word " momager " and embracing a nickname that has stuck ever since her family 's rise to fame .

  26. 笔友就是对那些定期通过邮政信件彼此联络的人们的称呼。笔友多用来提高外语阅读和写作能力、增长知识、了解其他国家和不同的生活方式,以及用来交朋友。

    Pen pals mail . A penpal relationship is often used to practice reading and writing in a foreign language , to improve literacy , to learn more about other countries and life-styles , and to make friendships .

  27. “格格党”是职场的一种称呼,指的是85后出生,视工作如儿戏,过度关注自己的利益,无法得到社会公共标准认同的这样一群人。

    Princess clan1 is a workplace expression used to describe those who were mostly born after 1985 , take their job as play , pay too much attention to their own needs and are too socially unsophisticated to heed2 public standards .

  28. 愚人回答:“我想得到他的钱财,所以才认他为兄长,实际上他并不是我的兄长。如果他欠了债,我就不需要再这样称呼他了,所以我现在说他不是我的兄长。”

    And what was the fool 's reply ? " I called him my big brother because I wanted his money . Of course he never was my big brother so when he fell into debt2 , I naturally stopped calling him that . "

  29. 在蜘蛛侠(反派称呼他为WebHead)和章鱼博士大战之时,李老爷子从坠落的残骸中救下了一名女子。

    In the middle of a battle between Web Head and Doctor Octopus ( Alfred Molina ), Lee saves a woman from falling debris .

  30. 语义网(SemanticWeb)、Web3.0、GiantGlobalGraph我们还在思考应该怎么称呼它。

    A semantic Web , Web 3.0 , giant global graph -- we 're kind of trying out what we want to call this thing .