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  1. 几乎难以想象鱼干女与食草男会和对方约会。

    It is almost inconceivable that the two might mate with each other .

  2. 饮食营养视角中的健康、运动与减肥&从女大学生食素谈起

    Health , sports and weight losing as seen from diet nutrition & On vegetarian of university girl students

  3. 鱼干女和食草男背离了以家庭为导向的儒家价值观,对浪漫没有多少兴趣,这在一定程度上可以解释为何韩国的生育率低得可怜。

    Offending family-orientated Confucian values , neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance , part of the reason why Korea 's fertility rate is lamentably low .

  4. 韩国零售商正在商店的货架上和橱窗里放上迎合“鱼干女”和“食草男”口味的产品。

    South Korean retailers are stocking their shelves and shop windows to cater to the tastes of " dried-fish woman " and " herbivore man " .