
  • 网络Planning Department
  1. 本文基于对中兴通讯国际策划部的为期半年的调研,引入全生命周期管理思想,提出了以战略为导向的企业多项目管理模型和全项目控制概念,设计了部门的全项目控制管理流程。

    This paper is based on the research in ZTE CDMA international market planning department last for half year . It uses the PLM concept , and brings out the model of multi-project management which is directed by the enterprise strategy and the concept & all project control .

  2. 公司内部设有拍卖业务部、宣传策划部、财务档案部、标的交接服务部和委托人、竞买人、买受人服务大厅。

    With the auction business unit within the company , publicity Planning Division , Finance Department of Archives , the subject of transfer of Services and clients , Bidders , buyer services hall .

  3. 电网前期业务是国家电网公司发展策划部业务体系中重要的一个环节。

    The pre-business is an important part of the operation in development and plan department in State Grid .

  4. 公司的管理队伍由招商部,营业部、财务部、人事部、工程部、发展部、广告策划部等部门组成,各尽其职并相互配合督促。

    The management team consists of Sales , Operations , Finance , Human Resources , Engineering , Development , Advertisement & Marketing , etc. , which cooperate with and complement each other .

  5. 我认为暴雪的策划部不管怎样应该意识到这是一个问题,毕竟他们知道大部分玩家并不清楚他们倒底想要什么。

    I think the design department at Blizzard , who probably know that most people don 't know what they want anyway , must however recognize that this is a symptom that something is wrong .

  6. 迪士尼还在策划一部科幻片,名为“Fireball”,主角是两个机器人管家。

    Disney is also planning a sci-fi story starring a pair of robotic butlers called'Fireball . '

  7. 公司有策划编辑部,绘画部,设计部三个主要部门。

    The company is composed of three sections-planning and editorial department , painting department and design department .

  8. 如今,詹早早担任国内一家网络游戏开发公司的策划创意部经理。

    Zhan now works as the planning and creativity manager in a Chinese company which develops online games .

  9. 我认为在这个危难时刻,策划二部的设计方案更能带给公众信心和快乐,利于他们接受。

    I think proposal from Team B will be more easily accepted by the public by bringing confidence and joy during this difficult time period .

  10. 2000年12月3日,7恶借由他们天衣无缝的策划从德州南部肯尼迪镇附近的州级最高保安监狱,约翰B.科娜利分监狱中顺利脱身。

    On December 13 , 2000 , the seven carried out an elaborate scheme and escaped from the John B. Connally Unit , a maximum-security state prison near the South Texas town of Kenedy .

  11. 广州炫色企业形象策划有限公司培训部专业为化妆造型、摄影、影视等行业提供专业化妆造型师!

    Hyun-color fashion vocational training is a set of make-up styling , photography , digital design , beauty make-up , advertising design as one of the major training institutions !