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cè yìng
  • in coordination with;support by coordinated action;act in concert with each other;make supporting movement to cut off enemy
策应 [cè yìng]
  • (1) [support by coordinated action;in coordination with]

  • (2) 战斗中互相配合应敌

  • (3) 斗争中在舆论或行动上造成声势对自己一方进行的支持

策应[cè yìng]
  1. 其极好的藉口就是拖住或延缓中国远征军“向缅甸方面转用兵力,策应南方军之作战”。

    Their best excuse was to delay Chinese expedictionary army " to shift forces to myanmat and support by coordinated action fighting of the South troops of japan " .

  2. NBA战术体系根据基础配合的运用程度可分为掩护、策应、突破和单打四类;

    NBA tactical system can be classified screen , coordination , breakthroughs and singles according to the application of basketball basical offensive tactical cooperation ;

  3. 我们集中精力练习策应队员转身运球。

    We are concentrating our efforts on the turn around dribble .

  4. 我们教练昨天下午教我们移动策应。

    Our coach taught the moving pivot to us yesterday afternoon .

  5. 由游击手为二垒策应。

    The shortstop backs up the second base on the throw .

  6. 王同志擅长突破和中锋策应。

    Comrade Wang is good at " break and bucket " play .

  7. 篮球中锋策应战术训练及意识培养方法

    The Cultivation of Awareness and Training Methods of Center-pivot Play

  8. 试论提高篮球策应队员的身体素质

    A Trial Discussion about the Body Quality of Supplying Players in Basketball

  9. 基于战略策应的高校信息系统项目决策模型及应用研究

    University information system project decision-making model and its application based on strategic alignment

  10. 他在篮下有很好的持球能力,并且在进攻策应上也很有创造力。

    Has good touch around the basket and shows good creativity on the drive .

  11. 浅探篮球策应配合意识

    Talk on Coordinating Consciousness in Basketball Match

  12. 迂策应和掩护战术等。

    Reverse post and screen .

  13. 策应江苏沿海开发战略积极推进盐城现代农业示范基地建设

    In Accordance with Jiangsu Coastal Development Strategy to Actively Promote the Modern Agriculture Demonstration Base Construction in Yancheng

  14. 有人向窃贼提供了工厂的钥匙,因此那一定是有内线策应的案子。

    Somebody supplied the robbers with a key to factory so it must have been an inside job .

  15. 策应作为四种进攻基础配合之一,是篮球比赛中重要的得分手段。

    As one of the four basic coordinate with the attack , is an important basketball game score means .

  16. 中锋在进攻端,要具有较强的个人得分能力、良好的战术意识、优秀的组织策应能力和助攻的能力。

    Center on the offensive end , to have a strong personal score , a good tactical awareness , excellent organizational ability to coordinate capacity and assists .

  17. 1927年初李大钊的外交活动,对于武汉国民政府争取外交上的主动,策应北伐战争的进行,有着重大的意义。

    Li 's diplomatic activities in early 1927 is of great significance for Wuhan Government to attain diplomatic initiative and support Northern Expedition ( 1926 - 1927 ) .

  18. 这三个因素的相互策应在表明双声游戏是小说的整体叙事特征的同时,也构成自由间接引语广泛应用的前提。

    The alignment of the three factors not only reveals Dual Voice to be a general narrative feature of the book but warrants the extensive application of Free Indirect Discourse .

  19. 国际社会的调停与压力最终促使双方于9月23日停止交火,中国对巴基斯坦的战略策应也对战争的结束起了重要影响。

    The international community 's mediation and pressure made both sides end fighting on September 23 . China 's strategic favor to Pakistan also resulted great effect on ending fire .

  20. 最后本文通过对江西省龙南县的经济发展的实证研究,进一步论证了积极策应产业转移对发展江西经济的重要性。

    At last the thesis further proves the importance of actively responding to industrial movement on Jiangxi economy by the case research of economic development of Longnan county in Jiangxi province .

  21. 摘要《军用会话教科书》是日本中国语学者杉武夫为策应侵华战争的需要,为在华作战的日本军人学习中国语而编撰的。

    Textbook for military conversation was compiled by gidagao , the Japanese sinologist , for the soldiers fighting in China to learn Chinese so as to meet the demand of the invasion of china .

  22. 目的故本实验设计在手术当日胸腺内注射同种抗原,同时给予短程免疫抑制剂,来诱导大鼠同种心脏移植特异性免疫耐受,为该法将来应用到临床时能策应临床尸体器官移植。

    Purpose : This study was designed to investigate the production of tolerance to cardiac allografts by combining intrathymic inoculation with allogeneic antigen at the day of transplantation with usage of immunosuppressive drugs for short time .

  23. 我欣赏易建联的打法,进入半场后,他对比赛的阅读很到位&什么时候策应,什么时候插入对方防守,什么时候拉出减少进攻压力。

    I enjoy watching Yi play because he often makes the right read when it comes to half-court offense & when to post , when to slip screens , when to pop out higher as a pressure-release man .

  24. 实际上,现代陶艺是艺术界针对科技进步所做出的一种调节性审美策应,而且与之相适应的是现代陶艺的适用范围也日益广泛。

    The new ceramic art was a kind of adjusted aesthetic form that was reflected by the art community for the advancement of science and technology . The competent rang of the new ceramic art was more and more growing .

  25. 本研究从房地产业与国民经济内在关联性起论,然后分析了国民经济周期波动与房地产运行周期,进而探讨二者策应的机制。

    In this study , and the national economy from the real estate industry since the intrinsic relevance of , and then analyzes the economic cycle fluctuation in real estate operating cycle , and then discuss the two coordinate mechanism .

  26. 针对当前思想政治教育传播中存在的问题,提高思想政治教育传插效果的具体对策应包括:强化信息优势,培养专家型的思想政治教育传榆队伍;

    Hi view of the existing situation of the communicating work of ideological-political education , to find countermeasure to improve the effect of ideological-political education communication should include : intensifying the information advantages , nourishing the " expertise " contingent of ideological-political education ;

  27. 其中,策应配合一环上是中国的特点也是与世界强队在发动方式上的差异所在,如何合理有效的运用策应配合来发动移动进攻是中国所面临的一个重要问题。

    Among them , one ring coordinate with Chinese characteristics are also strong at launch with the world of difference in the way where and how a reasonable and efficient use to coordinate with China to launch mobile offensive are facing an important issue .

  28. 霍福德拥有你能知晓的一名大个子全套的技巧,他能投篮,能低位进攻,还能策应球队的进攻。

    Unlike Thompson , who 's great at rolling hard to the hoop and nothing else , Horford has the full array of skills you could ask for in a big man . He can shoot , post up , or initiate offense for the team .

  29. 在鄱阳湖区,我们应从系统的观点,策应江西省三个基地,一个后花园的建设目标,建设生态农业区和生态工业区,加强保护和系统开发湿地资源。

    In the Poyang lake area , we should fit the objective of " three dasis and one back-garden " in Jiangxi province from the viewpoint of system , constract the ecological agriculture zone and the ecological industry zone , protect well and exploit systematically the wetland resource .