
guǎn lù
  • piping;pipeline;passage;channel;canal
管路 [guǎn lù]
  • [pipeline] 由管道组成的线路,管道

管路[guǎn lù]
  1. 血液透析室A、B液管路系统的设计

    The design of A , B liquid pipeline system in the hemodialysis room

  2. 基于VisualGraph平台的管路系统开发

    Design of Pipeline System Based on Visual Graph

  3. 从这点来说,管路乐于被人们采用。

    From this respect , pipelining has everything to commend it .

  4. 第四十五条电器产品、燃气用具的安装或者线路、管路的敷设不符合消防安全技术规定的,责令限期改正;

    Article 45 In case the installation of electrical appliances and gas utensils do not conform to the rules of fire control technology , the person in charge shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  5. 煤矿机械设备用管路接头CAD系统

    A CAD system for pipe fitting applied to mine machinery

  6. MATLAB在管路流体阻力实验中的应用

    Application of MATLAB in Coping with Experiment Data of Flow Resistance

  7. CO2空调热泵机组管路的安全性分析

    Safety analysis on the pipeline of CO_2 air conditioner and heat pump unit

  8. UG软件在航空发动机外部管路设计中的应用

    The Application of UG Codes to the Aeroengine Piping System Design

  9. 同时,运用流体力学原理,对冷却管路系统进行了理论计算,得到了喷嘴出口处的水流速度以及作用于钢板表面的冲击压力。此外,利用标准C语言对计算过程编制程序。

    The impact pressure on the surface of product and the flowing velocity were calculated by hydromechanics theory , and the calculation process was programmed by language C.

  10. 机采血浆袋及管路内表面对血浆中HCVRNA吸附的初探

    Preliminarily Inquiring into Adsorption of HCV RNA in Plasma by Inner Surface of Machine-collected Plasma Bags and Their Tubes

  11. 锅炉三维造型系统是锅炉CAD应用系统的子系统,三维实体建模是进行有限元分析和空间管路干涉检查的基础。

    The solid modeling system is subsidiary to " Boiler CAD Application System " . 3D Solid modeling is basis of FEM analysis and pipe line interference check .

  12. 目的分析呼吸机管路系统管理与呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的内在关系。

    OBJECTIVE To analyze the relationship between the ventilator tube system and VAP .

  13. JETTAGTX轿车ABS液压制动管路压力瞬态特性模型

    Pressure transient model of ABS hydraulic brake line for Jetta GTX car

  14. 在完成BCHP系统管路设计的基础上,利用基于现场的PLC来进行控制。

    The local PLC is applied to control the BCHP when the system integration and pipeline design are finished .

  15. 从atf集油盘的固定卡子上分离电缆和真空管路。

    Disengage cable and vacuum line from the retaining clips of the ATF pan .

  16. 目的探讨以聚氯乙烯(PVC)为主要原料的机采血浆袋及管路内表面对血浆中HCVRNA吸附性。

    Objective To inquire into the adsorptivity of HCV RNA by the inner surface of machine-collected plasma bags and their tubes which were produced , using PVC as main raw material .

  17. 目的探讨超纯水透析和循环管路构造改进对透析液微生物学质量及维持性血液透析(MHD)患者营养、炎症、氧化应激的影响。

    Objectives To improve the microbiological quality of dialysate and evaluated its effects on nutritional status and inflammation in maintenance hemodialysis ( MHD ) patients .

  18. 600MW大型燃煤机组省煤器输灰管路的设计应用与改进

    Design , Application and Improvement of Economizer Ash Conveying Piping of 600 MW Coal-fired Unit

  19. 本文介绍了10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)燃料元件气体输送系统的关键设备、管路设计及输送气体流量计算。

    The key equipments , the design of tubes and the calculation of transportation gas flow are described in this paper .

  20. 最后,应用MATLAB仿真语言进行编程,对4个工况进行仿真计算,主要得到不同工况下管路的流量以及阀前后的压力随时间的变化情况。

    Finally , use the language of the soft ware ' MATLAB ' to develop a program and make simulation calculation for four conditions , get the corresponding results mainly including flow of pipes and pressure before and after valve .

  21. 谐振式科里奥利质量流量计(CMF),依靠测量管路工作在谐振状态产生的科氏力效应实现流体流量的测量。

    Resonant Coriolis mass flowmeter ( CMF ) measures liquid mass flux via the Coriolis theory of the measurement tubes resonant vibration .

  22. 长期以来,机械设备中的管路敷设设计(PLD)主要是由人工完成,这使管路敷设设计很大程度上依赖人的实践经验。

    For a long time , the manual completes the pipeline laying design of mechinery equipment , which makes the pipeline laying design relies heavily on the practical experiences .

  23. 实验纪录了不同的管路结构及不同绝热结构条件下,管路出现的振动信号及管路温度分布,并将实验结果与Murphy曲线进行了对比。

    The vibration and temperature distribution ware recorded in different pipe structure and insulation conditions . The results of experiment were compared with the Murphy 's result .

  24. 针对管路敷设约束条件,本文给出基于预处理模型的约束实现。然后,本文对粒子群算法(PSO)进行深入的研究。

    For pipeline laying constraints , the implement of constraints is proposed based on the pre-processing model in this paper . Then , this paper carried out in-depth research for particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) algorithm .

  25. 船舶管路程序系统PCPS

    Pipe Computer Programming System PCPS

  26. 该装置备有RS-485接口,可以很方便地与计算机相连,实现了自动结算及医院集中供氧管路防泄漏安全监测功能。

    This device is equipped with RS-485 port , which enables connection with computers , thereby realizing the functions of automatic settlement and leakage prevention for the hospital 's integrated oxygen supply circuit .

  27. 近年来,NACET-8委员会、UOP公司和API协会正全面进行REAC管路系统的失效机理研究。

    In recent years , NACE T-8 committee , UOP and API have been doing comprehensive research and studying the failure mechanism of REAC .

  28. 本文介绍CO2气体灭火系统在机械立体车库中的应用,重点介绍其中气体管路部分设计,并给出管网及各节点的计算参数。

    The paper introduces the application of CO 2 Gas Fire Extinguishing System to the Mechanical Three-dimensional Garage . Its focus is on the design of the gas pipeline . The calculation parameters of the pipe network and joint are also given .

  29. 利用水力系数(C(ADE))的性质和现有液体火箭发动机管路系统中压力或流量的测量值,进行适当分段组合,计算出相应的压力和水力系统改变量。

    Using the definition of hydraulic coefficient and existent measurements of pressure or flow in pipes of liquid rocket engine , the pressure and the change amount of hydraulic coefficient will be determined according to appropriate calculation of a certain separate pipe .

  30. 压强的测量采用半导体硅压阻式压强传感器,通过测量MPT进气管路的静压,结合理论分析计算得到MPT谐振腔的总压。

    The measurement of pressure was carried out by using semiconductor silicon piezometer . With the static pressure in inlet of pipeline and theoretic analysis we could get the total pressure of MPT .