
fǎn shè xiāo shī
  • areflexia
  1. 观察记录小鼠醒酒时间(从翻正反射消失到清醒的时间),计算24h内的死亡率。

    Ebriety time ( The durations from clear-headed to the disappear of righting reflex ) was observed and recorded .

  2. 角膜反射消失时BIS、SEF分别为44.2±2.2、11.6±1.7。

    The BIS and SEF value at the disappearance of corneal reflex was 44.2 ± 2.2 and 11.6 ± 1.7 respectively .

  3. 结论Dyn致大鼠甩尾反射消失作用至少部分是由NMDA受体介导的。

    Conclusion Loss of tail - flick reflex induced by Dyn was mediated , in part , by NMDA receptor .

  4. 各组均按22mg/kg的异丙酚剂量于60s内静脉注射完毕,待睫毛反射消失后即行人流操作。

    After each group was given iv propofol by 2.2 mg / kg in 60s and eyelash areflexia , artificial abortion operation was made .

  5. 末次用药后1h,给予腹腔注射水合氯醛(350mg/Kg),观察各组大鼠翻正反射消失时间及翻正反射恢复时间。

    One hour after the last administration the rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of chloral hydrate ( 350g / Kg ), observe the Loss of righting reflex and recovery time .

  6. 水合氯醛、乙醇,纳洛酮以及它们混合物的催眠作用(翻正反射消失)ED50代入等效线、Qtest和多元逻辑回归模型进行计算。

    The ED 50 for hypnotic action ( righting reflex loss ) of chloral hydrate , ethanol , naloxone and their mixtures were calculated by use of isobologram , interaction Q-index test and multivariate logistic regression analysis .

  7. 结果TCI组睫毛反射消失时间明显长于CI组(P<0.05),但苏醒时间明显短于CI组(P<0.05)。

    Results The time of disappearance of eyelash reflex in TCI group was longer than that in the CI group , but the recovery time was significantly shorter in TCI group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 结论发现原发生性反射消失、GCS评分是预测预后的最好指标,脑水肿、脑肿胀是影响预后的最主要因素。

    Conclusion Primary areflexia and GCS are the best indexes that predict the prognosis of severe cerebral trauma in children , which is influenced mainly by the factor of cerebral swelling or edema .

  9. 眼部表现多样如睑下垂、角膜混浊、房角异常、白内障、黄斑光反射消失、视乳头小、眼球震颤、外斜视、ERG异常,其中以白内障最多见;

    Various clinical appearances were noted such as ptosis , corneal opacities , chamber angle abnormalities , macular and optic disc hypoplasia , abnormal ERG etc. Among these , the cataracts were the most frequent .

  10. 15min内翻正反射消失达30s以上为进入睡眠,翻正反射恢复为清醒,其间为睡眠时间,记录各组小鼠的睡眠潜伏期和睡眠期。

    It was sleep that body-righting reflex for over 30s disappeared within 15 minutes . The wake was that body-righting reflex revived . The latent period and sleeping period were recorded in each group .

  11. 目的应用脑电双频指数(BIS)等指标,观察语言命令反应消失(意识消失)与睫毛反射消失所需麻醉水平,并探讨异丙酚与芬太尼在此过程的相互作用。

    Objective To compare propofol requirements and the changes of the EEG parameters : bispectral index ( BIS ), spectral edge frequency ( SEE ) and median frequency ( MF ) when unconsciousness and loss of eyelash reflex were produced by propofol alone or propofol plus fentanyl .

  12. 方法根据正交实验设计原理,选用L9(34)正交表,以肌束震颤出现时间、翻正反射消失时间和存活时间为指标,分别测试美金刚和/或阿托品对敌敌畏染毒小鼠的治疗效果。

    Methods The therapeutic schedules of Memantine and atropine were arranged according to the L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal test table . The survival time , the loss of righting reflex and the latency of onset of muscle fasciculations were observed .

  13. 其他包括生后12个月前ATNR、STNR、TLR、MORO等部分原始反射消失,24个月前降落伞反应建立。

    In addition , other indexes were , including the part primitive reflex ( ATNR , STNR , TLR , MORO ), disappeared at 12 months after birth , or parachute response established at 24 months after birth .

  14. 意识与睫毛反射消失所需麻醉水平观察

    Detection of anesthesia levels of unconsciousness and loss of eyelash reflex

  15. 膝反射消失应说明此诊断。

    The absence of knee jerks should suggest the diagnosis .

  16. 待睫毛反射消失、呼之不应后进行胃镜检查。

    Until loss of eyelash reflex , and call after gastroscopy should not .

  17. 记录意识消失和睫毛反射消失时各脑电参数、消失时间和异丙酚用量。

    Immediately following infusion of propofol consciousness and eyelash reflex were assessed once per30s .

  18. 运动反射消失表明人体对痛觉失去反应。

    An absent motor response means there is no movement in response to pain .

  19. 记录兔翻正反射消失的潜伏期和持续期。

    The latency and duration for the disappearance of righting reflex in the rabbits were recorded .

  20. 记录从开始吸人七氟烷到睫毛反射消失时间;

    The time period from sevoflurane inhalation to the disappearance of eyelash reflex was also recorded .

  21. 28耳鼓室图呈A型、同侧及对侧镫骨肌反射消失。

    All tympanograms of 28 ears showed " A " type and bilateral abolition stapedius muscle reflex .

  22. 心跳骤停三天后运动反射消失或伸肌反射亢进是预后不良另一有力判断依据。

    Absent or extensor motor responses three days after cardiac arrest are another strong predictor of poor outcome .

  23. 中毒家兔临死时四肢麻痹、呼吸减慢、角膜反射消失、交替出现强直性及阵挛性痉挛,最后因呼吸停止而死亡。

    The signs of acute poisoning in rabbits consisted of paralysis of limbs , respiratory depression , and convulsions .

  24. 踝阵挛及病理反射消失率100%,12例术前膝腱反射亢进的患者,术后膝反射减弱。

    All ankle clonus and pathologic reflexes disappeared . The brisk knee reflex in 12 patients became sluggish after operation .

  25. 发现毒扁豆碱不能明显缩短小鼠的翻正反射消失持续时间;

    It was found that physostigmine could not shorten the recovery time in any of the mice groups ( p0.05 ) .

  26. 方法:造模组实验全过程控食、强迫跑步,以翻正反射消失为疲劳标准。

    Methods : Each animal in experiment group was forced to run with diet control and was regarded tired as righting reflex disappeared .

  27. 静脉泵注丙泊酚,比较三组之间大鼠眼睑反射消失时丙泊酚的用量及所需的时间。

    After intravenous infusion of propofol , the dosage of propofol required to ablate the eyelid reflex were recorded and compared between three groups .

  28. 双侧瞳孔不等大,左侧瞳孔不规则,对光反射消失。全身见大小不等、上覆鳞屑的红斑。

    Physical examination revealed that the pupil size of both eyes was not equal , the left pupil was not round , and pupillary reaction to light was absent .

  29. 方法:采用正交试验设计,观察安定对敌敌畏和氧乐果中毒小鼠存活时间、震颤时间、翻正反射消失时间的影响。

    Methods : By orthogonal experiment design , the time of survival , of beginning tremor , of losing righting reflex were observed in mice exposed to Dedevap , Omethoate .

  30. 以小鼠翻正反射消失为入睡指标,从翻正反射消失至恢复的这段时间为睡眠持续时间。

    The disappearance of righting reflex of mice was taken as index of falling asleep , and the time from disappearance to rehabilitation of righting reflex was recorded as sleep time .