
bù cè
  • books for taking notes or keeping accounts;account book;notebook;Liber
簿册 [bù cè]
  • [account book;notebook] 笔记本或账簿

簿册[bù cè]
  1. 所谓户籍,是指登记居民户口的簿册。

    Household registration is the handbook of registering the residents Account .

  2. 簿册纪录资本要求帐目及审计

    " Books , records , capital requirements , accounts and audit "

  3. 他们把他们的黄页电话簿册留在附近。

    They keep their Yellow Pages tomes nearby .

  4. 四,建立统一的不动产登记簿册,实行一登记一用纸的原则。同时颁发统一的不动产权属证书,明确权属证书的法律效力。

    Make a unified book of real property registration and obey the principle of one piece with one registration .

  5. 登记作为不动产物权的公示方法,是将物权变动的事项登载于特定国家机关的簿册上。

    Registration publicity as real property , is righting change matters posted on the books of the specific state organs .

  6. 不动产登记簿是国家不动产登记机关制作的、用于记载不动产自然状态及权利设立和变动事项的专用簿册。

    As the carrier of real estate registration , the real estate register plays an important role in realizing the principle of the real right announcement .

  7. 义务秘书须备存上述会议的纪录簿册,在每次会议上处理的所有事务须妥当加载纪录簿册内。

    The honorary secretary shall keep a minute book of such meetings , and proper entries shall be made therein of all business transacted at every meeting .

  8. 所有属于教会的簿册、契据、文据及其它文件,由众受托人委任的一名或多于一名人士看管和保管。

    All books , deeds , papers and other documents belonging to the church shall be under the care and custody of some one or more persons appointed by the trustees .

  9. 向外国记者首次展示持股簿册,是华为所做努力的一部分,目的是反驳有关华为在股权问题上一直不够透明的批评。

    The move to show a foreign journalist the books for the first time is part of an effort to rebut criticism that Huawei has been less than transparent about its ownership .

  10. 地籍研究内容包括在地籍簿册的建立、变更和发展过程中,地籍诸要素的确定和变化规律,即对土地产权、界址、数量、质量和用途的确定和变化规律。

    The research contents of cadastre include the disciplines of identification and change of cadastral elements , i.e. land property rights , boundary , quantities , quality and land use in the development of cadastre books .

  11. 现代各国身份登记制度在簿册之多寡、特殊身份事项之处理、登记之单位、登记事项集中地、立法形式等方面有所不同。

    Its concrete provisions in each country is different in respect of the number of registration books , the dealing of special status matters , by what unit to register , where to collect matters occurring at different places , forms of legislation .

  12. 商品房交易登记是指按照法律规定,由有关国家机关对商品房交易过程中的所有权登记于政府特定的簿册上,并颁发房地产权利证书的一种法律制度。

    Commercial transactions registration refers to such a law system , according with the law , the relevant State organs set the ownership of commercial transactions in the process of registration to a specific book , and a legal system that issued the certificate of real estate rights .
