
lèi bié
  • category;class;classification;kind;family;sort;genre;denomination
类别 [lèi bié]
  • (1) [class;category;sort;kind]∶不同的种类

  • (2) [denomination]∶按种类的不同而做出的区别

类别[lèi bié]
  1. 这些东西属于不同的类别。

    These things belong in a different classification .

  2. 今年的巴斯电影节期间将出现一个新的电影分级类别——女权主义级别电影(或称F级电影),意在凸显电影行业中女性工作者缺乏的现状。

    A new feminist1 film classification , f-rated film , is to be used at this year 's Bath Film Festival to highlight the lack of women working in the movie industry .

  3. 这一情报被归为绝密类别。

    This information has been classified top secret .

  4. 这些类别划分得不太明确。

    These categories are not well defined .

  5. 所选产品类别的报价承索即寄。

    Price quotes on selected product categories will be sent on request

  6. 它的价目表适合4个基本类别的顾客。

    Its tariffs cater for four basic classifications of customer .

  7. 这项援助归于政府间的技术合作这一类别。

    The aid comes under the rubric of technical co-operation between governments .

  8. 餐桌被编为6个不同的类别。

    The tables were organised into six different categories

  9. 不过,这两个类别无法泾渭分明地区分开来。

    It is , however , not possible to draw a distinct line between the two categories .

  10. 他们吃了大量的肉和奶制品,还有许多不知道该归为什么类别的杂七杂八的东西。

    They eat a lot of meats and dairy foods , along with a lot of miscellaneous items that don 't fall into any group .

  11. 他们把这本书错放到另一个类别中了。

    They placed the book in the wrong category .

  12. 在《科学》杂志上发表的一篇文章中,四位学者表示种族类别需要被逐步淘汰。

    In an article published in the journal Science , four scholars say racial categories need to be phased out .

  13. 可以肯定的是,官方的统计将沃尔玛等主要传统零售商的线上销售与流动餐车类的“非商店零售商”搞混了,可能掩盖了单个零售类别的重大变化。

    It is certain that the Census procedures , which lump the online sales of major traditional retailers like Walmart with " non-store retailers " like food trucks , can mask major changes in individual retail categories .

  14. 个人或团体可选择下列类别之一:表演,纪实作品,短文写作

    Individuals or groups may enter one of the following categories : Performance Documentary Essay Writing

  15. 然而,对于个人而言,两种类别的界限并不是十分明显。

    For any individual , of course , the boundaries of these two classes are not stable .

  16. 因此,虽然类别划分是普遍存在的,但个人倾向可能会使某个故事的类型发生转变,也可能使两种回报带来的体验产生差异。

    Therefore , while the division of categories holds in general , an individual 's tendency may transfer any story from one kind of reading to another , or divide the experience between the two kinds of reward .

  17. 长篇小说和短篇小说是不同的类别。

    Novel and short story are different genres .

  18. 比如清空数据库、配置,以及其他特别的请求等都属于这个类别

    Purging databases , configuring , and making other exceptional requests might fall into this category .

  19. 米其林请来被称为“审查员”的秘密评论家,他们偷偷造访餐厅并决定餐厅类别。

    Michelin hires undercover reviewers called " inspectors6 " ? that travel to restaurants secretly and decide their category .

  20. 该片的大多数对话都是韩语,所以金球奖主办方将其归为外语片类别。

    Most of the dialogue is in Korean , so the organisers of the Golden Globes put it in the Foreign Language Film category .

  21. 体育类影片是男性催泪影片的一个重要类别,但体育运动并不是构成一部男性催泪影片的必要因素。

    Sports films are important to the guy-cry genre , but sports action is not necessarily essential to qualify a film as a genuine guy-cry .

  22. 占比最高,为30.8%。上半年人均居住消费支出2649元,占人均消费支出的比重为23.1%,人均消费支出占比仅次于食品烟酒。教育文化娱乐消费的增长最快,增速68.5%;遥遥领先于其他支出类别。

    Spending on education , culture and entertainment remained the fastest-growing area in per capita expenditures , with an increase of 68.5 percent year-on-year , far more than other sectors .

  23. 根据该报告,63.7%的反亚裔事件涉及言语骚扰,16.5%涉及刻意回避——故意回避亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民。约13.7%的报告涉及人身攻击,是报告事件总数的第三大类别。侵犯公民权利的事件占11%,而网络骚扰占8.3%。

    According to the report , 63.7 % of the incidents involved verbal harassment and 16.5 % involved shunning accounted for 11 % of the incidents while online harassment made up 8.3 % .

  24. 第十二条同一申请人在不同类别的商品上使用同一商标的,应当按商品分类表提出注册申请。

    Article 12 . Where any applicant intends to use the same trademark for goods in different classes , an application for registration shall be filed in respect of each class of the prescribed classification of goods .

  25. 在门户类别中,选择Portalproject,然后点击Next。

    In the portal category , select Portal project , and then click Next .

  26. 举例来说,在本例中,我使用了两个类别:科学(science)和历史(history)。

    For instance , in this example , I 've included two categories : Science and History .

  27. 展开门户类别,选择Portal,并点击Next。

    Expand the portal category , select Portal , and click Next .

  28. 对于类,指定标准的Java代码评审类别

    For the class , specify the standard Java code review category

  29. 类别(c)表达式字段,工具支持以下新的属性字段

    Category ( c ) expression field , which has the following new property field support in the tooling

  30. 据此,我们将患者与正常人的B细胞在同一条件下分别培养以诱导类别转换。

    These two types of B cell were cultured at the same condition where Ig class switching was induced .